
Molybdenum oxo-imido aryloxide complexes: Oxo analogues of olefin metathesis catalysts


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The novel 16-electron molybdenum oxo-imido bis(aryloxide) complexes [Mo((NBu)-Bu-t)(O)(2,6-Me2C6H3O)2(py)] (1) and[Mo((NBu)-Bu-t)(O)(2,6-(Pr2C6H3O)-Pr-i)(2)(py)] (2) have been prepared by the salt elimination reactions of[Mo((NBu)-Bu-t)(O)Cl2-(DME)] with the appropriate lithium aryloxide and from the cycloaddition reactions of tert-butyl isocyanate with the appropriate molybdenum dioxo bis(aryloxide) complex [Mo(O)(2)(OAr)(2)(py)(n)]. Complexes 1 and 2 are the first isolable and crystallographically characterized molybdenum oxo-imido aryloxide complexes. The geometry around the metal in complexes 1 and 2 is best described as a distorted trigonal bipyramid, with the imido and pyridine ligands occupying the axial positions and the oxo and aryloxide ligands in the equatorial plane. X-ray and IR data have confirmed that the imido ligand is the dominant pi donor in the complexes, resulting in an Mo-O bond order of less than 2.5. Reaction of[Mo((NBu)-Bu-t)(O)Cl-2(DME)] with Li(OCH2(t)Bu) instead gave the novel complex [Mo((NBu)-Bu-t)(OCH2t-Bu) Cl-3(py)] (3).
机译:新型的16电子钼氧亚氨基双(芳氧基)络合物[Mo((NBu)-Bu-t)(O)(2,6-Me2C6H3O)2(py)](1)和[Mo((NBu) -Bu-t)(O)(2,6-(Pr2C6H3O)-Pr-i)(2)(py)](2)是通过[Mo((NBu)-Bu-t )(O)Cl2-(DME)]与异氰酸叔丁酯与二氧化钼双(芳氧基)钼配合物[Mo(O)(2)(OAr)(2)( py)(n)]。配合物1和2是第一种可分离并在晶体学上表征的钼氧代-亚氨基芳基氧化物配合物。配合物1和2中金属周围的几何形状最好描述为扭曲的三角双锥体,其中亚氨基和吡啶配体占据轴向位置,而氧代和芳氧基配体占据赤道平面。 X射线和IR数据已证实亚氨基配体是络合物中的主要pi供体,其Mo-O键序小于2.5。 [Mo((NBu)-Bu-t)(O)Cl-2(DME)]与Li(OCH2(t)Bu)的反应反而得到新的络合物[Mo((NBu)-Bu-t)(OCH2t -Bu)Cl-3(py)](3)。



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