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Medical abortion outcomes after a second dose of misoprostol for persistent gestational sac.


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BACKGROUND: We sought to examine outcomes after a second dose of misoprostol was given at a 1-week follow-up visit after medical abortion for the presence of a persistent gestational sac (GS) on ultrasound examination. STUDY DESIGN: We examined outcomes in women who were enrolled in two randomized trials of medical abortion regimens. Pregnant women up to 63 days' gestation received mifepristone followed by misoprostol 800 mcg vaginally either 24 h later, 6-8 h later or within 15 min. Participants in both studies returned for an evaluation, including transvaginal ultrasonography, approximately 7 days after initiating treatment. We included women with a GS present at the follow-up visit. Subjects who had not expelled the GS received a second dose of misoprostol 800 mcg vaginally. Participants returned approximately 1 week later and were contacted by telephone 5 weeks after treatment. RESULTS: Of 1972 women who had a follow-up ultrasound examination within 11 days of treatment, a persistent GS was identified in 82 women (4.2%) of whom 68 opted to receive a second dose of misoprostol. All 68 women returned for follow-up evaluation and 42 (62%) expelled the GS. In the 26 women with an embryonic pole within the persistent sac, expulsion occurred in 5 (36%) of 14 with and 7 (54%) of 13 without gestational cardiac activity (GCA) (p = .45). Of the 14 pregnancies with GCA, only 5 (36%) had GCA at follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: More than half of women with a persistent GS after medical abortion will expel the pregnancy when treated with a second dose of misoprostol. One-third of women who have a GS with cardiac activity will expel the GS with a second dose of misoprostol, making a second dose a reasonable option.
机译:背景:我们试图在超声检查中发现存在持续性妊娠囊(GS)的药物流产后,在医疗流产后的1周随访中给予米索前列醇第二剂后,检查结果。研究设计:我们检查了参加两项药物流产方案随机试验的妇女的结局。妊娠至63天的孕妇在24小时后,6-8小时后或15分钟内阴道接受米非司酮,然后米索前列醇800 mcg。两项研究的参与者在开始治疗后约7天返回评估,包括经阴道超声检查。在随访期间,我们纳入了有GS出席的女性。没有排出GS的受试者阴道接受第二剂米索前列醇800mcg。约1周后返回参与者,并在治疗5周后通过电话与他们联系。结果:在1972年接受治疗11天之内的超声检查的女性中,有82名女性(4.2%)发现了持续性GS,其中68名女性选择接受第二次米索前列醇治疗。 68名妇女全部返回进行随访评估,其中42名(62%)驱逐了GS。在持续性囊内有胚胎极的26名妇女中,有14例中有5例(36%)患有胎心跳(GCA),有13例中有7例(54%)发生排斥反应(p = .45)。在14例患有GCA的孕妇中,只有5例(36%)在随访时患有GCA。结论:超过一半的在药物流产后持续性GS的妇女在接受第二次米索前列醇治疗后会驱逐妊娠。患有心脏活动性GS的妇女中,有三分之一会通过第二剂量的米索前列醇驱散GS,因此第二剂量是一个合理的选择。



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