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Science prevails: abortion and mental health.


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Politics and ideology Have long battled -and often trumped - the scientific evidence surrounding the safety of abortion. This has been particularly true of the issue of abortion and mental health. Although major organizations, including the American Psychological Association, have been firm in their assertions that abortion does not harm mental health, anti-choice activists have used questionable science to push the concept of "post-abortion syndrome" into both clinical practice and law. For years, this specious claim has been fueling attempts in the United States to legislate that women be informed of this "risk" or denied access to abortion to protect them from "risk". The U.S. Supreme Court cited the possibility of women experiencing "regret. .[which can be followed by] severe depression and loss of esteem" after abortion in its decision to uphold the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act (Gonzales v. Carhart), all the while acknowledging that there are "no reliable data to measure the phenomenon" [1].
机译:政治和意识形态长期以来一直在争论-而且经常被击败-围绕堕胎安全性的科学证据。在堕胎和精神健康问题上尤其如此。尽管包括美国心理学会在内的主要组织都坚决主张堕胎不会损害心理健康,但反选择主义者却利用可疑的科学将“堕胎后综合征”的概念推向临床实践和法律。多年来,这种虚假的主张一直在促使美国试图立法告知妇女这种“风险”或拒绝妇女进行堕胎以保护她们免受“风险”的企图。美国最高法院在裁定维持《部分堕胎禁令》(Gonzales诉Carhart)的决定中引用了堕胎后妇女遭受“遗憾…………并可能导致严重的抑郁和自尊”的可能性。同时承认“没有可靠的数据可以衡量该现象” [1]。



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