首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Leukocyte-derived extracellular superoxide dismutase does not contribute to airspace ec-sod after interstitial pulmonary injury

Leukocyte-derived extracellular superoxide dismutase does not contribute to airspace ec-sod after interstitial pulmonary injury


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The antioxidant enzyme extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) is abundant in the lung and is known to limit inflammation and fibrosis following numerous pulmonary insults. Previous studies have reported a loss of full-length EC-SOD from the pulmonary parenchyma with accumulation of proteolyzed EC-SOD in the airspace after an interstitial lung injury. However, following airspace only inflammation, EC-SOD accumulates in the airspace without a loss from the interstitium, suggesting this antioxidant may be released from an extrapulmonary source. Because leukocytes are known to express EC-SOD and are prevalent in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) after injury, it was hypothesized that these cells may transport and release EC-SOD into airspaces. To test this hypothesis, C57BL/6 wild-type and EC-SOD knockout mice were irradiated and transplanted with bone marrow from either wild-type mice or EC-SOD knockout mice. Bone marrow chimeric mice were then intratracheally treated with asbestos and killed 3 and 7 days later. At both 3 and 7 days following asbestos injury, mice without pulmonary EC-SOD expression but with EC-SOD in infiltrating and resident leukocytes did not have detectable levels of EC-SOD in the airspaces. In addition, leukocyte-derived EC-SOD did not significantly lessen inflammation or early stage fibrosis that resulted from asbestos injury in the lungs. Although it is not influential in the asbestos-induced interstitial lung injury model, EC-SOD is still known to be present in leukocytes and may play an influential role in attenuating pneumonias and other inflammatory diseases.
机译:抗氧化剂酶细胞外超氧化物歧化酶(EC-SOD)在肺中含量丰富,已知在许多肺损伤后可限制炎症和纤维化。先前的研究报道,间质性肺损伤后,肺实质损失了全长EC-SOD,且蛋白水解的EC-SOD积累在空域中。但是,仅在空域发生炎症后,EC-SOD会在空域中积聚而不会从间质中损失,这表明该抗氧化剂可能会从肺外来源释放出来。由于已知白细胞会表达EC-SOD,并且在损伤后在支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)中盛行,因此可以推测这些细胞可将EC-SOD转运并释放到空域。为了验证该假设,对C57BL / 6野生型和EC-SOD敲除小鼠进行了辐照,然后将其从野生型或EC-SOD敲除小鼠的骨髓中移植出来。然后用石棉气管内处理骨髓嵌合小鼠,并在3天和7天后杀死。在石棉损伤后的第3天和第7天,没有肺EC-SOD表达但在浸润和常驻白细胞中有EC-SOD的小鼠在空域中没有可检测到的EC-SOD水平。另外,源自白细胞的EC-SOD并未显着减轻由肺部石棉损伤引起的炎症或早期纤维化。尽管EC-SOD在石棉诱导的间质性肺损伤模型中没有影响,但仍已知白细胞中存在EC-SOD,并可能在减轻肺炎和其他炎症性疾病中发挥影响作用。



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