首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Taste-responsive neurons in the nucleus of the solitary tract receive gustatory information from both sides of the tongue in the hamster.

Taste-responsive neurons in the nucleus of the solitary tract receive gustatory information from both sides of the tongue in the hamster.


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Taste receptors on the left and right sides of the anterior tongue are innervated by chorda tympani (CT) fibers, which carry taste information to the ipsilateral nucleus of the solitary tract (NST). Although the anterior tongue is essential for taste, patients with unilateral CT nerve damage often report no subjective change in their taste experience. The standing theory that explains the taste constancy is the "release of inhibition", which hypothesizes that within the NST there are inhibitory interactions between inputs from the CT and glossopharyngeal nerves and that the loss of taste information from the CT is compensated by a release of inhibition on the glossopharyngeal nerve input. However, the possibility of compensation by taste input from the other side of the tongue has never been investigated in rodents. We recorded from 95 taste-responsive neurons in the NST and examined their responsiveness to stimulation of the contralateral CT. Forty-six cells were activated, mostly with excitatory responses (42 cells). Activation of NST cells induced by contralateral CT stimulation was blocked by microinjection of lidocaine into the contralateral NST but was not affected by anesthetization of the contralateral parabrachial nuclei (PbN). In addition, the NST cells that were activated by contralateral CT stimulation showed reduced responsiveness to taste stimulation after microinjection of lidocaine into the contralateral NST. These results demonstrate that nearly half of the taste neurons in the NST receive gustatory information from both sides of the tongue. This "cross talk" between bilateral NST may also contribute to the "taste constancy".



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