首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Action potential characterization in intact mouse heart: steady-state cycle length dependence and electrical restitution.

Action potential characterization in intact mouse heart: steady-state cycle length dependence and electrical restitution.


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Transgenic mice have been increasingly utilized to investigate the molecular mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmias, yet the rate dependence of the murine action potential duration and the electrical restitution curve (ERC) remain undefined. In the present study, 21 isolated, Langendorff-perfused, and atrioventricular node-ablated mouse hearts were studied. Left ventricular and left atrial action potentials were recorded using a validated miniaturized monophasic action potential probe. Murine action potentials (AP) were measured at 30, 50, 70, and 90% repolarization (APD(30)-APD(90)) during steady-state pacing and varied coupling intervals to determine ERCs. Murine APD showed rate adaptation as well as restitution properties. The ERC time course differed dramatically between early and late repolarization: APD(30) shortened with increasing S1-S2 intervals, whereas APD(90) was prolonged. When fitted with a monoexponential function, APD(30) reached plateau values significantly faster than APD(90) (tau = 29 +/-2 vs. 78 +/- 6 ms, P < 0.01, n = 12). The slope of early APD(90) restitution was significantly <1 (0.16 +/- 0.02). Atrial myocardium had shorter final repolarization and significantly faster ERCs that were shifted leftward compared with ventricular myocardium. Recovery kinetics of intracellular Ca(2+) transients recorded from isolated ventricular myocytes at 37 degrees C (tau = 93 +/- 4 ms, n = 18) resembled the APD(90) ERC kinetics. We conclude that mouse myocardium shows AP cycle length dependence and electrical restitution properties that are surprisingly similar to those of larger mammals and humans.
机译:转基因小鼠已被越来越多地用于研究心律不齐的分子机制,但小鼠动作电位持续时间和电恢复曲线(ERC)的速率依赖性仍然不确定。在本研究中,研究了21只离体,Langendorff灌注和房室结消融的小鼠心脏。使用经过验证的微型单相动作电位探针记录左心室和左心房动作电位。在稳态起搏和变化的耦合间隔期间,在30%,50%,70%和90%的复极化(APD(30)-APD(90))下测量小鼠动作电位(AP),以确定ERC。鼠APD显示出速率适应性和恢复特性。 ERC时程在早期和晚期复极之间有显着差异:APD(30)随着S1-S2间隔的增加而缩短,而APD(90)则延长。当安装了单指数函数时,APD(30)达到平稳值的速度明显快于APD(90)(tau = 29 +/- 2 vs. 78 +/- 6 ms,P <0.01,n = 12)。早期APD(90)恢复的斜率显着小于1(0.16 +/- 0.02)。与心室心肌相比,心房心肌的最终复极化更短,ERC明显向左移动。从孤立的心室肌细胞在37摄氏度(tau = 93 +/- 4毫秒,n = 18)记录的细胞内Ca(2+)瞬态的恢复动力学类似于APD(90)ERC动力学。我们得出的结论是,小鼠心肌显示出AP周期长度依赖性和电恢复特性,与大型哺乳动物和人类的出乎意料的相似。



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