首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Blockade of both alpha1A- and alpha1B-adrenergic receptor subtype signaling is required to inhibit neointimal formation in the mouse femoral artery.

Blockade of both alpha1A- and alpha1B-adrenergic receptor subtype signaling is required to inhibit neointimal formation in the mouse femoral artery.


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Attenuation of early restenosis after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is important for the successful treatment of coronary artery disease. Some clinical studies have shown that hypertension is a risk factor for early restenosis after PCI. These findings suggest that alpha(1)-adrenergic receptors (alpha(1)-ARs) may facilitate restenosis after PCI because of alpha(1)-AR's remarkable contribution to the onset of hypertension. In this study, we examined the neointimal formation after vascular injury in the femoral artery of alpha(1A)-knockout (alpha(1A)-KO), alpha(1B)-KO, alpha(1D)-KO, alpha(1A)-/alpha(1B)-AR double-KO (alpha(1AB)-KO), and wild-type mice to investigate the functional role of each alpha(1)-AR subtype in neointimal formation, which is known to promote restenosis. Neointimal formation 4 wk after wire injury was significantly (P < 0.05) smaller in alpha(1AB)-KO mice than in any other group of mice, while blood pressures were not altered in any of the groups of mice after wire injury compared with those before it. These results suggest that lack of both alpha(1A)- and alpha(1B)-ARs could be necessary to inhibit neointimal formation in the mouse femoral artery.
机译:经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)后早期再狭窄的减轻对于成功治疗冠状动脉疾病很重要。一些临床研究表明,高血压是PCI后早期再狭窄的危险因素。这些发现表明,α(1)-肾上腺素能受体(α(1)-ARs)可能会促进PCI后的再狭窄,因为α(1)-AR对高血压的发作有显着贡献。在这项研究中,我们检查了股动脉的血管损伤后新内膜形成的alpha(1A)-敲除(alpha(1A)-KO),alpha(1B)-KO,alpha(1D)-KO,alpha(1A) -/ alpha(1B)-AR double-KO(alpha(1AB)-KO)和野生型小鼠,以调查每种alpha(1)-AR亚型在新内膜形成中的功能作用,已知该内膜会促进再狭窄。导线损伤后4 wk的新内膜形成在alpha(1AB)-KO小鼠中显着(P <0.05)小于其他任何组的小鼠,而在导线损伤后的任何一组小鼠中,血压均没有改变在它之前。这些结果表明缺少alpha(1A)-和alpha(1B)-ARs可能是抑制小鼠股动脉新内膜形成所必需的。



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