首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Collecting duct-specific knockout of the endothelin A receptor alters renal vasopressin responsiveness, but not sodium excretion or blood pressure.

Collecting duct-specific knockout of the endothelin A receptor alters renal vasopressin responsiveness, but not sodium excretion or blood pressure.


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Collecting duct (CD)-specific knockout (KO) of endothelin-1 (ET-1) causes hypertension, impaired ability to excrete a Na load, and enhanced CD sensitivity to the hydrosmotic effects of vasopressin (AVP). CD express the two known ET receptors, ET(A) and ET(B); in the current study, the role of the CD ET(A) receptor in mediating ET-1 actions on this nephron segment was evaluated. The ET(A) receptor gene was selectively disrupted in CD (CD ET(A) KO). CD ET(A) KO mice had no differences in systemic blood pressure, Na or K excretion, and plasma aldosterone or renin activity in response to a normal- or a high-Na diet compared with controls. During normal water intake, urinary osmolality (Uosm), plasma Na concentration, and plasma osmolality were not affected, but plasma AVP concentration was increased in CD ET(A) KO animals (0.57 +/- 0.25 pg/ml in controls and 1.30 +/- 0.29 pg/ml in CD ET(A) KO mice). CD ET(A) KO mice had a modestly enhanced ability to excrete an acute, but not a chronic, water load. DDAVP infusion increased Uosm similarly; however, CD ET(A) KO mice had a more rapid subsequent fall in Uosm during sustained DDAVP administration. CD suspensions from CD ET(A) KO mice had a 30-40% reduction in AVP- and forskolin-stimulated cAMP accumulation. These data indicate that CD ET(A) KO decreases renal sensitivity to the urinary concentrating effects of AVP and suggest that activation of the ET(A) receptor downregulates ET-1 inhibition of AVP actions in the CD. Furthermore, the CD ET(A) receptor does not appear to be involved in modulation of systemic blood pressure or renal Na excretion under physiological conditions.
机译:收集内皮素1(ET-1)的导管(CD)特异性敲除(KO)会导致高血压,排泄Na负荷的能力受损,并增强CD对血管加压素(AVP)渗透压作用的敏感性。 CD表达两种已知的ET受体ET(A)和ET(B);在当前的研究中,评估了CD ET(A)受体在介导该肾单位节段ET-1作用中的作用。 ET(A)受体基因在CD(CD ET(A)KO)中被选择性破坏。与正常人或高钠​​饮食相比,CD ET(A)KO小鼠的全身血压,Na或K排泄以及血浆醛固酮或肾素活性无差异。在正常饮水期间,尿渗透压(Uosm),血浆Na浓度和血浆渗透压不受影响,但CD ET(A)KO动物的血浆AVP浓度升高(对照组为0.57 +/- 0.25 pg / ml,1.30 +在CD ET(A)KO小鼠中为0.29 pg / ml)。 CD ET(A)KO小鼠排泄急性(而非慢性)水负荷的能力适度增强。 DDAVP输注的Uosm值也有所增加;然而,在持续给予DDAVP的过程中,CD ET(A)KO小鼠随后的Uosm下降更快。来自CD ET(A)KO小鼠的CD悬浮液的AVP和毛喉素刺激的cAMP积累减少了30-40%。这些数据表明,CD ET(A)KO降低了肾脏对AVP尿浓缩作用的敏感性,并表明ET(A)受体的激活下调了CD中ET-1对AVP作用的抑制。此外,在生理条件下,CD ET(A)受体似乎不参与调节全身性血压或肾脏Na排泄。



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