首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >The anorectic effect of fenfluramine is influenced by sex and stage of the estrous cycle in rats.

The anorectic effect of fenfluramine is influenced by sex and stage of the estrous cycle in rats.


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The controls of food intake differ in male and female rats. Daily food intake is typically greater in male rats, relative to female rats, and a decrease in food intake, coincident with the estrous stage of the ovarian reproductive cycle, is well documented in female rats. This estrous-related decrease in food intake has been attributed to a transient increase in the female rat's sensitivity to satiety signals generated during feeding bouts. Here, we investigated whether sex or stage of the estrous cycle modulate the satiety signal generated by fenfluramine, a potent serotonin (5-HT) releasing agent. To examine this hypothesis, food intake was monitored in male, diestrous female, and estrous female rats after intraperitoneal injections of 0, 0.25, and 1.0 mg/kg D-fenfluramine. The lower dose of fenfluramine decreased food intake only in diestrous and estrous females, suggesting that the minimally effective anorectic dose of fenfluramine is lower in female rats, relative to male rats. Although the largerdose of fenfluramine decreased food intake in both sexes, the duration of anorexia was greater in diestrous and estrous female rats, relative to male rats. Moreover, the magnitude of the anorectic effect of the larger dose of fenfluramine was greatest in estrous rats, intermediate in diestrous rats, and least in male rats. Thus our findings indicate that the anorectic effect of fenfluramine is modulated by gonadal hormone status.
机译:雄性和雌性大鼠的摄食控制不同。与雌性大鼠相比,雄性大鼠的每日食物摄入量通常更高,并且雌性大鼠的食物摄入量减少与卵巢生殖周期的发情期相吻合。这种与发情有关的食物摄入减少归因于母鼠对喂食过程中产生的饱腹感信号的敏感性的短暂增加。在这里,我们研究了性别或发情周期的阶段是否会调节由有效的5-羟色胺(5-HT)释放剂芬氟拉明产生的饱腹感信号。为了检验这一假设,在腹膜内注射0、0.25和1.0 mg / kg D-芬氟拉明后,监测雄性,雌性雌性和发情雌性大鼠的食物摄入量。较低的芬氟拉明剂量仅在雌性和发情的雌性动物中降低食物摄入,这表明相对于雄性大鼠,芬氟拉明的最低厌食厌食剂量在雌性大鼠中较低。尽管较大剂量的芬氟拉明降低了男女的食物摄入量,但雌性和发情雌性大鼠的厌食时间相对于雄性大鼠更长。此外,较大剂量的芬氟拉明的厌食作用在发情大鼠中最大,在雌性大鼠中中等,在雄性大鼠中最小。因此,我们的发现表明芬氟拉明的厌食作用受到性腺激素状态的调节。



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