首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Absence of the cholecystokinin-A receptor deteriorates homeostasis of body temperature in response to changes in ambient temperature.

Absence of the cholecystokinin-A receptor deteriorates homeostasis of body temperature in response to changes in ambient temperature.


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The circadian rhythm of the body core temperature (T(c)) and the effects of changes in ambient temperatures on the homeostasis of T(c) in Otsuka Long Evans Tokushima Fatty (OLETF) rats, which are naturally occurring cholecystokinin (CCK)-A receptor (CCK-AR) gene knockout (-/-) rats, were examined. In addition, the peripheral responses to warming or cooling of the preoptic and anterior hypothalamic region (PO/AH) were determined. The circadian rhythm of T(c) in OLETF rats was similar to that in Long-Evans Tokushima (LETO) rats; this rhythm was characterized by a higher T(c) during the dark period and a lower T(c) during the light period. When the ambient temperature was changed within the limits of 0 degrees C to 30 degrees C, the changes in T(c) of LETO rats were associated with the changes in ambient temperature, whereas those in OLETF rats were dissociated from the temperature changes. The OLETF rats showed a large hysteresis. The peripheral responses to warming or cooling of PO/AH, including shivering of the neck muscle and changes in skin temperature of the tail and footpad, were similar in OLETF and LETO rats. To confirm the role of CCK-AR in the regulation of body temperature, the values of T(c) in the CCK-AR(-/-) mice were compared with those in CCK-B receptor (CCK-BR) (-/-), CCK-AR(-/-)BR(-/-), and wild-type mice. In the mice, the circadian rhythms of T(c) were the same, regardless of the genotype. Mice without CCK-AR showed larger hysteresis than mice with CCK-AR. From these results, we conclude that the lack of CCK-AR causes homeostasis of T(c) in rats and mice to deteriorate.
机译:Otsuka Long Evans Tokushima Fatty(OLETF)大鼠(自然产生的胆囊收缩素(CCK)-检查了受体(CCK-AR)基因敲除(-/-)大鼠。另外,确定了对视前和下丘脑前区(PO / AH)变暖或变冷的外围反应。 OLETF大鼠中T(c)的昼夜节律与长德文岛(LETO)大鼠相似。这种节奏的特征是在黑暗时期较高的T(c),在明亮时期较低的T(c)。当环境温度在0摄氏度到30摄氏度的范围内变化时,LETO大鼠的T(c)变化与环境温度变化相关,而OLETF大鼠的T(c)与温度变化无关。 OLETF大鼠表现出较大的滞后现象。在OLETF和LETO大鼠中,对PO / AH变暖或变冷的外周反应(包括颈肌发抖以及尾巴和脚垫的皮肤温度变化)相似。为了确认CCK-AR在体温调节中的作用,将CCK-AR(-/-)小鼠中的T(c)值与CCK-B受体(CCK-BR)中的T(c)进行了比较(-/ -),CCK-AR(-/-)BR(-/-)和野生型小鼠。在小鼠中,无论基因型如何,T(c)的昼夜节律都是相同的。没有CCK-AR的小鼠比具有CCK-AR的小鼠表现出更大的滞后。根据这些结果,我们得出结论,CCK-AR的缺乏会导致大鼠和小鼠体内T(c)的体内稳态下降。



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