首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Increased heat loss affects hibernation in golden-mantled ground squirrels.

Increased heat loss affects hibernation in golden-mantled ground squirrels.


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During hibernation at ambient temperatures (T(a)) above 0 degrees C, rodents typically maintain body temperature (T(b)) approximately 1 degrees C above T(a), reduce metabolic rate, and suspend or substantially reduce many physiological functions. We tested the extent to which the presence of an insulative pelage affects hibernation. T(b) was recorded telemetrically in golden-mantled ground squirrels (Spermophilus lateralis) housed at a T(a) of 5 degrees C; food intake and body mass were measured at regular intervals throughout the hibernation season and after the terminal arousal. Animals were subjected to complete removal of the dorsal fur or a control procedure after they had been in hibernation for 3-4 wk. Shaved squirrels continued to hibernate with little or no change in minimum T(b), bout duration, duration of periodic normothermic bouts, and food intake during normothermia. Rates of rewarming from torpor were, however, significantly slower in shaved squirrels, and rates of body mass loss were significantly higher, indicating increased depletion of white adipose energy stores. An insulative pelage evidently conserves energy over the course of the hibernation season by decreasing body heat loss and reducing energy expenditure during periodic arousals from torpor and subsequent intervals of normothermia. This prolongs the hibernation season by several weeks, thereby eliminating the debilitating consequences associated with premature emergence from hibernation.
机译:在高于0摄氏度的环境温度(T(a))休眠期间,啮齿动物通常将体温(T(b))维持在高于T(a)1摄氏度的水平,降低了新陈代谢的速度,并使许多生理功能暂停或大大降低。我们测试了绝缘皮草的存在在多大程度上影响了冬眠。 T(b)以遥测方式记录在T(a)为5摄氏度的金色斗地松鼠(Spermophiluslateralis)中;在整个冬眠季节和唤醒后定期测量食物摄入量和体重。使动物冬眠3-4周后,将其完全除去背毛或进行对照。剃毛的松鼠继续冬眠,最低T(b),发作时间,周期性常温发作的持续时间以及常温期间的食物摄入量几乎没有变化。但是,剃须的松鼠从玉米粥中加热的速度明显较慢,而体重减轻的速度则显着较高,这表明白色脂肪储能的消耗增加。在冬眠季节中,绝缘皮草显然可以节省能量,方法是减少身体热量散失,并减少在因性交引起的周期性唤醒和随后的正常体温过程中的能量消耗。这将冬眠季节延长了几周,从而消除了因冬眠而过早出现的虚弱后果。



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