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Abe Bailey nature reserve near Khutsong: medicinal plants, food gardens and a season of urban protest.


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The protected areas of South Africa are strategically important in meeting global and national biodiversity conservation targets, as well as contributing to socio-economic development in local areas. Often this latter deliverable is difficult as the protected areas are small and the communities outside are large, as was the case with Abe Bailey nature reserve, situated in a peri-urban setting outside Carletonville's (Gauteng Province, South Africa) largest township, Khutsong. Rapid Rural Appraisal workshops were held in 2000 with community groups in Khutsong (youth, aged, shack dwellers, home based care, traditional healers) to determine their needs in relation to the nature reserve. A social survey was also undertaken to fully understand the dynamics of the Khutsong community as the relationship between community and nature reserve had previously been hostile. The output was an outreach programme that included establishing a buffer-zone between Khutsong and nature reserve; a system of vegetable garden allotments set up along the boundary of the park and township; a medicinal plant cultivation project; and a donor-funded medicinal plant 'rescue' scheme with greenhouse tunnels set up in the nature reserve. Between 2003 and 2008, disaster struck Khutsong in the form of the border demarcation protests resulting in substantial violence and damage to property in the area. This violence stalled all the Abe Bailey community projects. Substantial investment would be needed to activate these projects again. This situation indicates the struggle that protected areas on the border of large urban settlements face with service delivery protests a feature of the South African urban landscape at present. This paper outlines the steps taken to establish these projects, as well as the outcomes and future of these projects.
机译:南非的保护区在实现全球和国家生物多样性保护目标以及为当地社会经济发展做出贡献方面具有战略重要性。由于保护区较小且外部社区较大,后一交付往往很困难,就像安倍·贝利(Abe Bailey)自然保护区一样,它位于卡尔顿顿维尔(南非豪登省)最大乡镇Khutsong外的郊区。 2000年在胡同市的社区团体(青年,老年人,棚户居民,家庭护理,传统医疗人员)举行了快速农村评估研讨会,以确定他们对自然保护区的需求。还进行了一次社会调查,以充分了解胡同社区的动态,因为社区与自然保护区之间的关系以前是敌对的。产出是一项外联方案,其中包括在胡同和自然保护区之间建立缓冲区;在公园和乡镇边界建立的菜园分配系统;药用植物种植项目;在自然保护区中建立了由温室供暖的捐赠者资助的药用植物“救援”计划。在2003年至2008年之间,以边界界定抗议活动的形式袭击了胡同市,造成了严重的暴力和对该地区财产的破坏。这种暴力使所有安倍·贝利社区项目陷入僵局。需要大量投资才能再次激活这些项目。这种情况表明,大城市定居点边界上的保护区面临着提供服务的斗争,目前是南非城市景观的特征。本文概述了建立这些项目所采取的步骤,以及这些项目的成果和未来。



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