首页> 外文期刊>Acta Horticulturae >Using Paecilomyces lilacinus (fungus nematicide) as replacement in controlling nematodes of tomato, for a sustainable production in urban and peri-urban areas (Dakar, Senegal). [French]Original Title Utilisation de Paecilomyces lilacinus (champignon nematicide) comme method de remplacement pour la lutte contre les nematodes de la tomate, en vue d'une production durable dans les zones urbaines et periurbaines (Dakar, Senegal).

Using Paecilomyces lilacinus (fungus nematicide) as replacement in controlling nematodes of tomato, for a sustainable production in urban and peri-urban areas (Dakar, Senegal). [French]Original Title Utilisation de Paecilomyces lilacinus (champignon nematicide) comme method de remplacement pour la lutte contre les nematodes de la tomate, en vue d'une production durable dans les zones urbaines et periurbaines (Dakar, Senegal).

机译:使用淡紫色拟青霉(Paecilomyces lilacinus)(杀真菌剂)替代番茄的线虫,以在城市和郊区(塞内加尔达喀尔)可持续生产。 [英文]原标题:淡紫色拟青霉(杀线虫真菌)作为控制番茄线虫的一种替代方法,可用于城市和郊区(塞内加尔达喀尔)的可持续生产。

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Agricultural activities, especially horticulture, will become increasingly important in areas now classified as urban or suburban. In Senegal, the practice of urban horticulture is particularly important since the agricultural sector still has the difficult task of providing jobs, incomes and food security in much of the population. It is essential to identify the risks posed by urban and peri-urban horticulture and to provide solutions for farmers as well as research opportunities for scientists to ensure the sustainability of the system. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of 5 types of treatments on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum 'Mongal', sensitive to nematodes) by analyzing their impact on the yield in kg, the number of fruits and the level of attack by Meloidogyne javanica at the ISRA research center (CDH) close to Dakar, Senegal under pesticide-free conditions. The experimental design was set in a completely randomized block with 5 treatments and 3 repetitions. The product used was PL GoldReg., which contains the fungus Paecilomyces lilacinus (PL) and is proposed by the Foundation "Agir pour l'Education et la Sante" for the west African market to control Meloidogyne javanica. The five treatments were: PL1 (0.5 kg/ha), PL2 (1 kg/ha) and PL3 (1.5 kg/ha), a control with Carbofuran (WC) (50 kg/ha) and an untreated control. PL3 was the most effective treatment since seedlings in this treatment were not attacked by M. javanica. All the other treatments were susceptible to M. javanica. With regard to the agronomic parameters, seedlings in the PL2 treatment sprouted earlier and gave higher fruit yield. The WC treatment gave a better yield (92 t/ha) followed by PL2 (89 t/ha). The effect of the PL2 treatment in terms of yield, agronomic performance and level of attack by M. javanica (40% reduction of attack) is discussed in this paper. The use of PL2 (a biological treatment) as an alternative to WC (chemical treatment) is suggested to improve the sustainability of soil fertility and crop productivity.
机译:农业活动,尤其是园艺活动,在如今被归类为城市或郊区的地区将变得越来越重要。在塞内加尔,城市园艺的实践尤为重要,因为农业部门仍然面临着艰巨的任务,即为许多人口提供就业,收入和粮食安全。必须确定城市和城郊园艺带来的风险,为农民提供解决方案,并为科学家提供研究机会,以确保系统的可持续性。这项研究的目的是通过分析5种处理方式对番茄的产量(公斤体重),果实数和爪草的侵袭水平的影响,比较5种处理方式对番茄(番茄对线虫敏感)的影响。在无农药的情况下,在塞内加尔达喀尔附近的ISRA研究中心(CDH)中进行。将实验设计设置为5次治疗和3次重复的完全随机分组。所使用的产品是PL GoldReg。,其中包含真菌淡紫色拟青霉(PL),并且由“ Agir pour l'Education et la Sante”基金会提议在西非市场上销售,以控制爪哇根瘤菌。这五种处理方式分别为:PL1(0.5千克/公顷),PL2(1千克/公顷)和PL3(1.5千克/公顷),Carbofuran(WC)对照(50千克/公顷)和未经处理的对照。 PL3是最有效的处理方法,因为该处理中的幼苗没有受到爪哇分枝杆菌的攻击。所有其他治疗均对爪哇分枝杆菌敏感。关于农艺参数,PL2处理的幼苗较早发芽,且果实产量更高。 WC处理的产量更高(92吨/公顷),其次是PL2(89吨/公顷)。本文讨论了PL2处理对产量,农艺性能和爪哇分枝杆菌侵袭水平的影响(侵袭减少40%)。建议使用PL2(生物处理)代替WC(化学处理)来提高土壤肥力和作物生产力的可持续性。



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