首页> 外文期刊>Acta Horticulturae >Fruit Development and Endogenous Hormone Concentrations in Mango Fruit with Aborted and Non-Aborted Embryos

Fruit Development and Endogenous Hormone Concentrations in Mango Fruit with Aborted and Non-Aborted Embryos


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Changes in fruit development and endogenous hormone concentration were compared between fruit with aborted embryos and those with normal embryos in 'Tainong-1' (TN-1) and 'Jinhuang' (JH) mango varieties. Changes in fruit volume over time followed a "S" pattern from 10 to 60 days after fruit set (DAS). The appearance of embryo in aborted fruit differed from that of non-embryo aborted fruit from 10 to 30 DAS suggesting that 20-30 DAS was a key period in embryo abortion. After 30 DAS, fruit with normalembryos increased in size very rapidly in contrast to fruit with aborted embryos which grew much slower. In normal fruit and those with aborted embryos, concentrations of GA3, IAA, ZT and ABA in pulp were highest 10 DAS, then gradually declined. From 10-30 DAS, pulp of fruit with aborted embryos had lower IAA, GA3 and higher ABA concentrations than fruit normal embryos as well as higher ratios of ABA/ZT and ABA/(GA_3 + IAA + ZT). The IAA/GA_3 ratio was positively related to fruit volume.
机译:比较了芒果品种“泰农1”(TN-1)和“金荒”(JH)中流产胚和正常胚的果实发育和内源激素浓度的变化。坐果后10到60天(DAS),果实体积随时间的变化呈“ S”型。流产果实中的胚胎外观与非胚状流产果实的差异从10到30 DAS有所不同,这表明20-30 DAS是胚胎流产的关键时期。 DAS处理30天后,具有正常胚的果实的大小迅速增加,而具有流产胚胎的果实生长得慢得多。在正常果实和胚胎流产的果实中,果肉中GA3,IAA,ZT和ABA的浓度最高为10 DAS,然后逐渐下降。在10-30天DAS期间,具有流产胚的水果果肉的IAA,GA3和ABA浓度低于正常果胚,并且ABA / ZT和ABA /(GA_3 + IAA + ZT)的比例更高。 IAA / GA_3比值与果实体积呈正相关。



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