首页> 外文期刊>Acta Horticulturae >Establishing ornamental flower meadow with bulb and perennial by sowing in North China.

Establishing ornamental flower meadow with bulb and perennial by sowing in North China.


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The aim of this study was to see whether it was possible to produce a cost effective, sustainable, and attractive flower meadow of bulb and perennial in North China. 14 species flowers, including 8 perennials and one bulb, were selected for the study on the basis of attractive flowers. Key variables in the study were, seed size (large seed, intermediate seed and small seed), sowing rate (600 and 1200 seeds/m2) and sowing condition (lab, greenhouse and field). Prior to sowing in greenhouse and field the plants were classified into 5 groups on seed size and germination rate, each group includes 3 species. The experiments showed that seed size had a significant influence on the seedling germination, survival and height growth rate. Large seed demonstrated significantly higher than either middle or small seed. Sowing rate did not significantly increase seedling germination and survival, but it did increase the seedling height growth. 1200 seeds/m2 was 1.5 times of 600 seeds/m2 in height growth rate. Sowing condition had a significant influence on the seedling germination. From lab to greenhouse to field, the germination rate reduced and the time of germination decreased. For establishing an attractive landscape, sowing rates of large seed in the field could be twice of the lab, and 9 times in the case of middle and small seed. Compared with 2010, sown forb density was decrease, but sown height and crown width were increased in 2011. The most successful species which could establish by sowing and keeping the sight above 2 years were: Echinacea purpurea 'Alba', Dianthus chinensis, Thalictrum petaloideum, Rudbeckia hybrida, Iris halophile, and Allium caeruleum.
机译:这项研究的目的是了解在华北地区是否有可能生产出具有成本效益,可持续发展且有吸引力的鳞茎和多年生花草草甸。在吸引人的花朵的基础上,选择了14种花,包括8个多年生植物和1个球茎花。该研究的关键变量是种子大小(大种子,中间种子和小种子),播种率(600和1200种子/ m 2 )和播种条件(实验室,温室和田间)。在温室和田间播种之前,将植物按种子大小和发芽率分为5组,每组包括3种。实验表明,种子大小对幼苗的发芽,成活和高度生长速率有显着影响。大种子表现出明显高于中种子或小种子。播种速度没有显着增加幼苗的发芽和存活,但确实增加了幼苗的高度生长。 1200粒/ m 2 是高度生长600粒/ m 2 的1.5倍。播种条件对幼苗发芽有重要影响。从实验室到温室再到田间,发芽率降低,发芽时间减少。为了建立一个有吸引力的景观,田间大种子的播种率是实验室的两倍,中小种子的播种率是9倍。与2010年相比,2011年的播种前density密度降低,但播种后的高度和冠宽增加。通过播种并将视线保持在两年以上的最成功物种是紫锥菊,石竹,茄形藻,黑心,虹膜嗜盐菌和青葱。



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