首页> 外文期刊>Acta Horticulturae >Winter production of white asparagus from one-year-old rootstocks by forcing culture.

Winter production of white asparagus from one-year-old rootstocks by forcing culture.


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Recently, the demand for fresh white asparagus spear has the tendency to increase gradually since its specific taste and texture are appreciated. Although this trend would be continued, the amount of fresh white spears in Japanese domestic market is much less compared with that of green ones. Thus, in this study, we determined the feasibility to produce white asparagus spears in winter by combination of plastic film covering method to blanch asparagus spears and Japanese specific forcing cultivation system by using one-year-old rootstocks. A strong correlation was observed between the fresh weight of one-year-old rootstocks and their marketable yield in three cultivars in both 2005 and 2006. Blanching conditions during the harvesting time influenced anthocyanin pigmentation in the spear. When asparagus spears were harvested under darkness maintained by a 2.0 m-high walk-in tunnel covered with a shading film, anthocyanin pigments in the spears did not appear. There were differences among cultivar yields, and 'UC-157' and 'Grande', showed higher yield than 'Gijnlim', suggesting that these cultivars possess shallower dormancy in winter than 'Gijnlim'. From 'UC-157' one-year-old rootstocks, marketable yield of 4,553-5,138 kg ha-1 was obtained in this study. These results demonstrated that white asparagus spears can be produced with no anthocyanin pigment in forcing culture by using one-year-old rootstocks of cultivars with a slight dormancy like 'UC-157', if spears are harvested under completely dark conditions maintained by a large shaded tunnel.
机译:近来,由于对新鲜白芦笋矛头的特殊口味和质地有所了解,因此对新鲜白芦笋矛头的需求有逐渐增加的趋势。尽管这种趋势将继续下去,但日本国内市场上的新鲜白矛数量却少于绿色的。因此,在这项研究中,我们确定了通过使用覆盖一岁的砧木的塑料膜覆盖方法来刺白芦笋和日本特有的耕作制度,在冬季生产白芦笋矛的可行性。在2005年和2006年这三个品种中,一年龄砧木的鲜重与其可销售的产量之间存在很强的相关性。收割期的变白条件影响了矛头的花色素苷色素沉着。在黑暗中收获芦笋长矛,该长矛在2.0 m高的步入式隧道覆盖着遮光膜的情况下保持黑暗,长矛中没有出现花青素色素。品种产量之间存在差异,“ UC-157”和“ Grande”的产量高于“ Gijnlim”,表明这些品种冬季的休眠度比“ Gijnlim”低。在这项研究中,从“ UC-157”一年生的砧木中获得了4,553-5,138 kg ha -1 的可销售产量。这些结果表明,如果在完全黑暗的条件下收获长矛,并使用“ UC-157”等略带休眠的一年生品种的砧木,则可以在强迫培养中生产无花青素色素的白色芦笋矛。阴影隧道。



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