首页> 外文期刊>Acta Horticulturae >An electric field screen can create pest-free space with better air penetration in open-window greenhouses.

An electric field screen can create pest-free space with better air penetration in open-window greenhouses.


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In an attempt to control insect pests affecting greenhouse tomatoes, we evaluated an electric field screen to create an airy greenhouse condition that successfully excluded insect vectors (whiteflies, green peach aphids, western flower thrips, shore flies) of pathogens. The screen consisted of three parts: (1) insulated conductor wires (ICWs) arrayed in parallel at 5-mm intervals, (2) two stainless-steel nets that were grounded and placed on both sides of the ICWs, and (3) a DC voltage generator to negatively charge the ICWs. An electric field formed between the negative surface charge of the ICWs and the positive charge on the ICW-side surface of the grounded net. The ICWs captured insects that entered the field. Insects that contacted the outer surface of the screen net avoided the electric field and flew away from the screen. During continuous 3-month greenhouse operation, the screen was durable and functional in exerting stable pest exclusion and good air penetration for ventilation under changing greenhouse climate conditions. Thus, our electric field screen provided an airy condition for tomatoes in an open-window greenhouse that successfully excluded flying insect pests.
机译:为了控制影响温室番茄的害虫,我们评估了电场屏蔽以创建通风的温室条件,该条件成功地排除了病原体的昆虫媒介(粉虱,桃蚜,西部花蓟马,岸蝇)。屏幕由三部分组成:(1)以5mm间隔平行排列的绝缘导线(ICW);(2)接地并放置在ICW两侧的两个不锈钢网;以及(3)a直流电压发生器为ICW负电荷。在ICW的负表面电荷和接地网的ICW侧表面的正电荷之间形成的电场。 ICW捕获了进入田间的昆虫。接触筛网外表面的昆虫避免了电场并飞离筛网。在连续3个月的温室操作过程中,该滤网经久耐用,可在不断变化的温室气候条件下发挥稳定的有害生物排除功能和良好的透气性,以进行通风。因此,我们的电场屏蔽为开窗温室中的西红柿提供了通风条件,从而成功地排除了飞行中的害虫。



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