首页> 外文期刊>Acta Horticulturae >Peach Dormancy Associated MADS-Box Gene Expression during Natural Chilling Accumulation

Peach Dormancy Associated MADS-Box Gene Expression during Natural Chilling Accumulation


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Six MICK~C-type MADS-box transcription factors, designated as Dormancy-Associated MADS-box (DAM) genes, are not expressed in the peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] mutant evergrowing, which fails to cease growth and enter dormancy under dormancy-inducing conditions. One or more of these peach DAM genes have been proposed as candidates for the regulation of growth cessation and terminal bud formation. The proximity or co-localization of peach EVG locus with a QTL associated with a chilling requirementtrait suggests that the DAM genes are also potential candidate genes for this characteristic. Two peach DAM genes (DAM5 and 6) are up-regulated by short days and peak at winter solstice, coincident with the chilling accumulation achievement required forbud break. Reports on homologous of the DAM genes from other species also indicate that these genes could be cold regulated. In this work, we used three cultivars with different chilling requirement to correlate the fulfillment of chilling requirement with the expression of the peach DAM genes. Vegetative terminal and floral buds were sampled from field grown 'Contender' (1050 chilling hours), 'Rubyprince' (850 chilling hours) and 'Springprince' (650 chilling hours) peach cultivars, weekly through winter 2008-2009. Flower bud break potential was evaluated weekly by transferring cuttings to a growth-permissive environment, and bud-burst was scored after 14 days. We used quantitative real time PCR to study the expression of the DAM genes during chillingaccumulation. We also evaluated vegetative bud break and DAM genes expression in Contender under controlled cold exposure. The potential role of the DAM genes in the chilling requirement of peach will be discussed. The material collected will be used for the development of an EST library of bud tissue during chilling accumulation.
机译:桃(Prunus persica(L.)Batsch]永生的突变体中没有表达六个被称为休眠相关的MADS-box(DAM)基因的MICK〜C型MADS-box转录因子,该突变体无法停止生长并进入在休眠诱导条件下的休眠中,已经提出了一个或多个这些桃DAM基因作为调节生长停止和末梢芽形成的候选基因,桃EVG基因座与QTL的接近或共定位与低温需求相关。 DAM基因也是该特性的潜在候选基因。两个桃DAM基因(DAM5和6)在短日上调,并在冬至达到顶峰,这与花蕾断裂所需的寒冷积累成就相吻合。来自其他物种的DAM基因也表明这些基因可以被调节,在这项工作中,我们使用了三个具有不同冷藏需求的品种来关联冷藏需求。对桃DAM基因表达的要求。从田间种植的“竞争者”(1050个冷藏小时),“ Rubyprince”(850个冷藏小时)和“ Springprince”(650个冷藏小时)桃品种中抽取营养末梢和花蕾,这些样品每周进行一次,直到2008-2009年冬季。通过将插穗转移到允许生长的环境中,每周评估一次花芽破裂的可能性,并在14天后对芽爆发进行评分。我们使用定量实时PCR研究冷积累过程中DAM基因的表达。我们还评估了受控制的冷暴露下竞争者的营养芽断裂和DAM基因表达。将讨论DAM基因在桃子的低温需求中的潜在作用。收集的材料将用于在冷积累期间建立芽组织的EST文库。



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