首页> 外文期刊>Acta Horticulturae >Controlling Aphelenchoides subtenuis nematodes with a hot water treatment in Crocus and Allium .

Controlling Aphelenchoides subtenuis nematodes with a hot water treatment in Crocus and Allium .


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Several bulbous crops like Crocus, Allium and some species of Tulipa and Narcissus can be infected with the nematode Aphelenchoides subtenuis. The nematodes cause retarded growth, poor or no flowering and eventually death of the bulbs and corms. A hot water treatment after lifting the bulbs has proved to be effective in controlling the nematodes. Due to a high incidence of infected stocks of bulbs a study was conducted to establish if the efficacy of the treatment could be improved by altering the timing and the temperature of the hot water treatment and the storage temperature of the bulbs prior to the hot water treatment. Bulbs and corms of Allium and Crocus were given a hot water treatment of four hours at 43.5 or 45 degrees C. Between lifting and the hot water treatment the bulbs were stored at 25 or 30 degrees C. Prior to the hot water treatment some of the bulbs were immersed in water for 24 hours. The hot water treatment was performed at 7, 10, 12 or 14 days after lifting the bulbs or corms. Controlling Aphelenchoides subtenuis was only effective when the hot water treatment of four hours at 45 degrees C was applied within 10 to 14 days after lifting the bulbs. When Crocus was stored at 30 degrees C a hot water treatment was only effective until 10 days after lifting. When stored at 25 degrees C a treatment was effective until 14 days after lifting. The hot water treatment became more effective when the bulbs were immersed in water for 24 hours prior to the hot water treatment.
机译:线虫番红花,葱属以及一些 Tulipa 和水仙 >亚细亚目。线虫导致生长迟缓,开花不良或没有开花,并最终导致鳞茎和球茎死亡。已经证明,提起灯泡后进行热水处理可有效控制线虫。由于被感染的灯泡存量很高,因此进行了一项研究,以确定是否可以通过改变热水处理的时间和温度以及热水处理之前灯泡的储存温度来提高处理效果。在43.5或45摄氏度下,对葱属和番红花的鳞茎和球茎进行了4小时的热水处理。在提起和热水处理之间,鳞茎的存放温度为25或30摄氏度。在进行热水处理之前,将某些灯泡浸入水中24小时。提起灯泡或球茎后第7、10、12或14天进行热水处理。仅在提起鳞茎后的10到14天内,在45摄氏度下进行四小时的热水处理时,控制亚细线虫有效。将“番红花”保存在30摄氏度时,热水处理仅在提起后10天才有效。当储存在25摄氏度时,治疗有效至提起后14天。当灯泡在热水处理之前浸入水中24小时后,热水处理变得更加有效。



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