首页> 外文期刊>Acta Horticulturae >A method to improve the induction of callus from saffron ( Crocus sativus Linneo) corms.

A method to improve the induction of callus from saffron ( Crocus sativus Linneo) corms.

机译:一种改善藏红花( Crocus sativus Linneo)球茎愈伤组织诱导的方法。

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In vitro callus and suspended cells induction's response was compared from saffron corms (Crocus sativus L.) from a Spanish cultivar; some corms were immediately cultivated in vitro in November 2006 and the others were preserved in distilled water in laboratory until daughter corms formed and in vitro cultured in May 2007. For the explants of the mother corms, the medium used was Murashige-Skoog (MS), with 2-4 dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D, 0, 1, 2 and 4 mg.L-1) and kinetin (Kin., 0, 1 mg.L-1) in liquid medium and in agar gelified medium. The explants of daughter corms had the same treatments and they were planted in MS medium with Naphtalene Acetic Acid (NAA, 0, 1, 2 and 4 mg.L-1) and Kin (0, 1 mg.L-1), as well in gel as liquid media. In mother corms in gel the average induction time was 31.6 days with 24% induction frequency and 85% contamination rate; in liquid medium the contamination reached 100%. In the case of daughter corms obtained in laboratory, treatments in gel had an average induction time of 12.4 days and 100% induction frequency and 15% contamination; in liquid treatments the appearance time of free cells varied from 10 to 14 days with 100% induction frequency and 25% contamination rate; there was no significant difference (P
机译:比较了来自西班牙品种的藏红花球茎(Crocus sativus L.)的愈伤组织和悬浮细胞诱导反应。其中一些球茎于2006年11月立即在体外培养,另一些球茎在实验室中保存在蒸馏水中,直到形成子球茎并于2007年5月进行体外培养。对于母球茎的外植体,使用的培养基是Murashige-Skoog(MS) ,其中含有2-4个二氯苯氧基乙酸(2,4-D,0、1、2和4 mg.L -1 )和激动素(Kintin,0、1 mg.L -1 )在液体培养基和琼脂凝胶培养基中。子球茎的外植体经过相同的处理,并分别种植在含有萘乙酸(NAA,0、1、2和4 mg.L -1 )和Kin(0、1 mg)的MS培养基中。 .L -1 ),以及在凝胶中作为液体介质。凝胶中的母球茎平均诱导时间为31.6天,诱导频率为24%,污染率为85%。在液体介质中,污染达到100%。对于实验室获得的子茎,凝胶处理的平均诱导时间为12.4天,诱导频率为100%,污染为15%。在液体处理中,游离细胞的出现时间从10到14天不等,诱导频率为100%,污染率为25%。在凝胶和液体培养基中,与生长素的不同组合之间没有显着差异( P <0.045)。此外,将整个子球茎分别在NAA 2 mg.L -1 和Kin 1 mg.L -1 的凝胶和液体培养基中种植,在凝胶中诱导愈伤组织观察到液体培养基水平以上的培养基和悬浮于液体培养基中的细胞。



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