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Grape genetic resources and research at the Davis California National Clonal Germplasm Repository.


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The Davis, California National Clonal Germplasm Repository (NCGR) houses most Mediterranean-adapted fruit and nut crop collections in the U.S., including grapes (Vitis). The NCGR is part of the USDA National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS). Our missions are to acquire, preserve, characterize, and distribute germplasm resources of our designated crops (http://www.ars.usda.gov/pwa/davis/ npgs). It is NPGS policy to distribute plant material, free of charge, to research interests around the world. The NCGR grape collection includes >2800 different accessions, including one of the world's finest Vitis species collections, ~600 V. vinifera wine grape varieties, and ~600 V. vinifera table grape varieties. Our sister repository in Geneva, NY houses the cold-hardy grape collection. At the Davis NCGR, genetic markers have been used intensively to assess diversity, relatedness, and trueness to type within the collection. To date, DNA microsatellite and AFLP fingerprinting has been conducted on more than 700 NCGR grape accessions, including 366 V. vinifera. Examination of genetic relationships across numerous Vitis species revealed genetic affinities roughly corresponding to taxonomic distinctions derived morphologically. Proper identification is a key concern since individual grape cultivars have been widely dispersed, with many synonyms, and often the same name used for different cultivars. Except for known or presumed bud-sports, a standard eight microsatellites have uniquely identified each genotype tested. Recent fingerprinting for V. vinifera in European national collections should make it possible to verify identity of many of the V. vinifera varieties in our collection. We will complete standard fingerprinting of named cultivars in our collection by 2008.
机译:加利福尼亚州戴维斯国家克隆种质资源库(NCGR)拥有美国大多数地中海适应性水果和坚果作物,包括葡萄(Vitis)。 NCGR是USDA国家植物种质系统(NPGS)的一部分。我们的任务是获取,保存,表征和分配我们指定农作物的种质资源(http://www.ars.usda.gov/pwa/davis/ npgs)。 NPGS的政策是免费分发植物材料到世界各地研究领域。 NCGR葡萄收藏包括2800多种不同的种质,包括世界上最优质的葡萄品种收藏之一,〜600 V. vinifera酿酒葡萄品种和〜600 V. vinifera鲜食葡萄品种。我们在纽约州日内瓦的姐妹仓库存放着耐寒葡萄品种。在Davis NCGR,遗传标记已被广泛用于评估馆藏中类型的多样性,相关性和真实性。迄今为止,已经对700多个NCGR葡萄品种(包括366 V. vinifera)进行了DNA微卫星和AFLP指纹分析。对众多葡萄属物种的遗传关系的研究表明,遗传亲和力大致对应于形态学上得出的分类学区别。正确识别是一个关键问题,因为单个葡萄品种已经广泛分布,具有许多同义词,并且经常为不同品种使用相同的名称。除已知或假定的芽运动外,标准的八个微卫星已唯一鉴定出每种受测基因型。欧洲国家级收藏中最近对V. vinifera的指纹分析使我们有可能验证我们收藏中许多V. vinifera品种的身份。我们将在2008年之前完成我们藏品中命名品种的标准指纹图谱。



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