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Organic fruit production in Europe: successes in production and marketingin the last decade, perspectives and challenges for the future development.


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The organic market has grown exponentially in Europe during the last ten years. However, the organic fruit industry in European states still has a relatively low market share of less than 1-5% compared with organic vegetables, milk and eggs that have achieved market shares of close to 10% of the total market. Also, conventional fruit growers still hesitate to respond to the generally good organic market demand. A major reason for this behaviour is the continuing high production risk due to less availability of effective management tools for the control of pests, diseases, weed and biennial bearing. The key pests and diseases in apple and pear include scab, sooty blotch, and fire blight as well as rosy apple aphid, pear sucker and codling moth, as well as postharvest diseases like Gloeosporium rot. Another reason that holds up organic fruit expansion is that in fruit production, in contrast to milk or wheat, new and organic-specific marketing attempts are necessary for organic cultivars, (less cosmetic 'beauty', etc.) but are presently scarce. In an ideal organic production system, all possible measures that lead to improved stability and self-regulation of the agro-ecological system have to be implemented (e.g. resistant cultivars, biodiversity areas, lower planting densities, measures to avoid inoculum build-up, soil fertility). At present, most organic orchards have almost the same design as found in conventional production and often do not include system stabilizing elements. Therefore, organic fruit production still depends largely on direct pest and disease control methods. In the last decade, effective compounds and techniques have been developed such as neem preparations, granulosis viruses, and mating disruption to control pests. Some new plant protection techniques e.g. clay powders, resistance inducers, better spray technique and spray timing models have been introduced. The introduction of new equipment, compounds, cultivars and decision support systems will further improve yield stability. However, for other limiting factors, such as weed competition, crop load regulation and market demands in respect to quality, innovative solutions have to be developed. The challenge for the future is to build up a credible ('true-organic') and high quality multi-factor oriented organic fruit production that combines single factor solutions to a self-regulating, and possibly even organic pesticide-free, production system. Progress in this direction will lead to innovative organic production and marketing concepts that are clearly different from conventional ones. To achieve these goals, creative efforts along the whole chain involving producers, consumers, retailers, advisory services and researchers are essential.
机译:在过去十年中,有机市场在欧洲呈指数增长。但是,与有机蔬菜,牛奶和鸡蛋相比,欧洲各州的有机水果行业仍然占有不到1-5%的相对较低的市场份额,而有机蔬菜,牛奶和鸡蛋的市场份额接近总市场的10%。而且,常规水果种植者仍然不愿响应总体上良好的有机市场需求。造成这种现象的主要原因是由于缺乏有效的控制工具来控制病虫害,杂草和两年生轴承的持续高生产风险。苹果和梨的主要病虫害包括结sc,煤烟斑和枯萎病,以及玫瑰色的苹果蚜虫,梨吸盘和co蛾,以及收获后的疾病如Gloeosporium rot。阻止有机水果膨胀的另一个原因是,与牛奶或小麦相比,在水果生产中,有机品种需要新的,针对有机的营销尝试(较少的化妆品“美容”等),但目前尚缺乏。在理想的有机生产系统中,必须执行所有可能导致改善农业生态系统稳定性和自我调节的措施(例如抗性品种,生物多样性地区,较低的种植密度,避免接种物堆积的措施,土壤生育能力)。目前,大多数有机果园的设计与常规生产中几乎相同,并且通常不包含系统稳定元素。因此,有机水果的生产仍然很大程度上取决于直接的病虫害控制方法。在过去的十年中,已经开发出有效的化合物和技术,例如印em制剂,颗粒性病毒和破坏交配以控制害虫。一些新的植物保护技术,例如引入了粘土粉,电阻诱导剂,更好的喷涂技术和喷涂时间模型。新设备,化合物,品种和决策支持系统的引入将进一步提高产量稳定性。但是,对于其他限制因素,例如杂草竞争,作物负载调节和质量方面的市场需求,必须开发创新的解决方案。未来的挑战是建立一个可靠的(“真正有机”)和高质量的多因素导向的有机水果生产,该生产将单因素解决方案结合到一个自我调节的,甚至可能是无有机农药的生产系统中。在这个方向上的进步将导致创新的有机生产和营销理念与传统的明显不同。为了实现这些目标,必须在包括生产商,消费者,零售商,咨询服务和研究人员在内的整个链中进行创造性的努力。



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