首页> 外文期刊>Conservation genetics >Genetic variation in natural and translocated populations of the endangered Delmarva fox squirral (Sciurus niger cinereus)

Genetic variation in natural and translocated populations of the endangered Delmarva fox squirral (Sciurus niger cinereus)

机译:濒临灭绝的德尔玛狐狐(Sciurus niger cinereus)自然和易位种群的遗传变异

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The Delmarva fox squirrel, Sciurus niger cinereus, is a federally listed endangered subspecies whose range has been reduced by 90%. In an attempt to increase both population size and range, trnaslocation sites were established beginning in the 1960's by moving squirrels from the natural range to sites outside the current range. Although translocations have served as the primary component of the DFS recovery program, there has been very little post-release examination of the genetics of the translocation sites. In this study, we developed ten microsatellite loci, screened the three polymorphic loci, and sequenced a 330 bp fragment of the mitochondrial control region in order to assess levels of genetic variation in natural and translocated regions of Delmarva fox squirrels and to compare them to Southeastern fox squirrels (S. n. niger). Although we found low levels of microsatellite polymorphism, there were no differences in heterozygosity between natural and translocated regions, or between Delmarva and Southeastern fox squirrels. We found high levels of poymorphism in the mitochondrial control region. Our patterns halotype diversity suggest incomplete lineage souring of the two subspecies. In general, our data suggest that the current levels of genetic variation in the translocated sites are representative of those found in the natural population, and we encourage the continued use of translocations as a major component of Delmarva fox squirrel recovery.
机译:Delmarva狐狸松鼠Sciurus niger cinereus是联邦政府列出的濒危亚种,其范围减少了90%。为了增加种群数量和分布范围,从1960年代开始,通过将松鼠从自然范围移动到当前范围以外的位置,建立了转位地点。尽管易位已成为DFS恢复计划的主要组成部分,但对易位部位的遗传学进行的释放后检查很少。在这项研究中,我们开发了十个微卫星基因座,筛选了三个多态性基因座,并对线粒体控制区的330 bp片段进行了测序,以评估Delmarva狐松鼠自然和易位区域的遗传变异水平,并将其与东南部地区进行比较。狐狸松鼠(尼日尔)。尽管我们发现微卫星多态性水平较低,但自然和易位区域之间,德尔马瓦和东南狐松鼠之间的杂合性没有差异。我们发现线粒体控制区中的高同型性。我们的模式个体多样性表明这两个亚种的血统不完整。一般而言,我们的数据表明,易位部位的当前遗传变异水平代表了自然种群中的变异水平,我们鼓励继续使用易位变异作为Delmarva狐狸松鼠恢复的主要组成部分。



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