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The Chronology of Age-Related Spatial Learning Impairment in Two Rat Strains, as Tested by the Barnes Maze


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The Barnes maze offers advantages for cognitive aging Studies, because of its relatively unstressful design and its modest physical demands. The authors therefore undertook a detailed chronological investigation of performance against age, for female Sprague-Dawley and male and female Dark Agouti rats. The trial duration was 10 days. Rats were tested at 6, 11, 14, 17, 20, and 26 months of age, but individual rats were tested at one age only. At 6 months of age, all rats reached the criterion. Sprague-Dawley rats performed best at this age. Impairment began at 14 months in Dark Agouti rats and continued to increase up to 26 months of age. Impairment was greater in Dark Agouti than Sprague-Dawley rats and was greater in females than males. At 26 months, 70% of Sprague-Dawley females reached criterion; of the Dark Agoutis, only 33% of females and 57% of males reached criterion. This study confirms the utility of the Barnes maze as a robust vehicle in aged rats. It also highlights major performance differences between strains and genders in aging rats.
机译:由于其相对无压力的设计和适度的身体要求,Barnes迷宫为认知老化研究提供了优势。因此,作者对雌性Sprague-Dawley和雄性与雌性Dark Agouti大鼠进行了针对年龄的详细时序研究。试用期为10天。在6、11、14、17、20和26个月大时对大鼠进行了测试,但仅在一个年龄对大鼠进行了测试。在6个月大时,所有大鼠均达到标准。 Sprague-Dawley大鼠在这个年龄段表现最佳。 Dark Agouti大鼠在14个月时开始出现损伤,直到26个月大时才继续出现损伤。 Dark Agouti大鼠的损伤程度大于Sprague-Dawley大鼠,雌性则大于雄性。在26个月时,有70%的Sprague-Dawley女性达到标准;在黑暗刺痛犬中,只有33%的女性和57%的男性达到了标准。这项研究证实了Barnes迷宫在衰老大鼠中作为健壮载体的效用。它还强调了衰老大鼠的品系和性别之间的主要性能差异。



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