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Electrophysiological attention effects in a virtual cocktail-party setting.


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The selection of one of two concurrent speech messages for comprehension was investigated in healthy young adults in two event-related potential experiments. The stories were presented from virtual locations located 30 degrees to the left and right azimuth by convolving the speech message by the appropriate head-related transfer function determined for each individual participant. In addition, task irrelevant probe stimuli were presented in rapid sequence from the same virtual locations. In experiment 1, phoneme probes (/da/ voiced by the same talkers as attended and unattended messages) and band-pass filtered noise probes were presented. Phoneme probes coinciding with the attended message gave rise to a fronto-central negativity similar to the Nd-attention effect relative to the phoneme probes coinciding with the unattended speech message, whereas noise probes from the attended message's location showed a more positive frontal ERP response compared to probes from the unattended location resembling the so-called rejection positivity. In experiment 2, phoneme probes (as in exp. 1) and frequency-shifted (+400 Hz) were compared. The latter were characterized by a succession of negative and positive components that were modulated by location. The results suggest that at least two different neural mechanisms contribute to stream segregation in a cocktail-party setting: enhanced neural processing of stimuli matching the attended message closely (indexed by the Nd-effect) and rejection of stimuli that do not match the attended message at the attended location only (indexed by the rejection positivity).
机译:在两个事件相关的潜在实验中,在健康的年轻人中调查了两个同时进行的语音消息之一的选择以进行理解。通过为每个参与者确定的适当的与头部相关的传递函数对语音消息进行卷积,从位于左右方位角30度的虚拟位置中呈现了故事。另外,从相同的虚拟位置以快速顺序呈现了与任务无关的探针刺激。在实验1中,提出了音素探针(/ da /和与会和无人照看的消息由相同的讲话者发声)和带通滤波的噪声探针。相对于与无人值守语音消息相吻合的音素探针,音素探针与伴随消息相吻合产生了与Nd注意力效应相似的额中央负性,而与被照管消息位置相对应的噪声探针显示出正面正向ERP反应从无人值守位置进行探测,类似于所谓的排斥阳性。在实验2中,比较了音素探针(如实验1所示)和频移(+400 Hz)。后者的特征是一连串的负分量和正分量,这些分量由位置来调节。结果表明,至少有两种不同的神经机制在鸡尾酒会环境中促进了流分离:增强了与参会信息紧密匹配的刺激的神经处理(由Nd效应索引)和对与参会信息不匹配的刺激的排斥仅在有人看管的位置(由拒绝阳性指示)。



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