首页> 外文期刊>Brain research >Impairment of mitochondrial energy metabolism in different regions of rat brain following chronic exposure to aluminium.

Impairment of mitochondrial energy metabolism in different regions of rat brain following chronic exposure to aluminium.


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The present study was designed with an aim to evaluate the effects of chronic aluminium exposure (10 mg/kg b.wt, intragastrically for 12 weeks) on mitochondrial energy metabolism in different regions of rat brain in vivo. Mitochondrial preparations from aluminium treated rats revealed significant decrease in the activity of various electron transport complexes viz. cytochrome oxidase, NADH cytochrome c reductase and succinic dehydrogenase as well, in the hippocampus region. The decrease in the activity of these respiratory complexes was also seen in the other two regions viz. corpus striatum and cerebral cortex, but to a lesser extent. This decrease in the activities of electron transport complexes in turn affected the ATP synthesis and ATP levels adversely in the mitochondria isolated from aluminium treated rat brain regions. We also studied the spectral properties of the mitochondrial cytochromes viz. cyt a, cyt b, cyt c1, and cyt c in both control and treated rat brains. The various cytochrome levels were found to be decreased following 12 weeks of aluminium exposure. Further, these impairments in mitochondrial functions may also be responsible for the production of reactive oxygen species and impaired antioxidant defense system as observed in our study. The electron micrographs of neuronal cells depicted morphological changes in mitochondria as well as nucleus only from hippocampus and corpus striatum regions following 12 weeks exposure to aluminium. The present study thus highlights the significance of altered mitochondrial energy metabolism and increased ROS production as a result of chronic aluminium exposure in different regions of the rat brain.
机译:设计本研究的目的是评估体内长期暴露于铝(10 mg / kg b.wt,在胃内持续12周)对大鼠脑不同区域线粒体能量代谢的影响。铝处理大鼠的线粒体制剂显示各种电子传输复合物的活性显着降低。海马区的细胞色素氧化酶,NADH细胞色素c还原酶和琥珀酸脱氢酶。这些呼吸复合物活性的降低在其他两个区域也可见。纹状体和大脑皮层,但程度较小。电子传递复合物活性的降低反过来又对铝处理的大鼠脑区域分离的线粒体的ATP合成和ATP水平产生不利影响。我们还研究了线粒体细胞色素的光谱特性。对照和治疗大鼠大脑中的cyt a,cyt b,cyt c1和cyt c。发现铝暴露12周后各种细胞色素水平降低。此外,如我们的研究中所观察到的那样,线粒体功能的这些损害也可能导致活性氧的产生和抗氧化防御系统的损害。神经细胞的电子显微照片描绘了铝暴露12周后,仅来自海马和纹状体区域的线粒体和细胞核的形态变化。因此,本研究强调了由于长期暴露于大鼠大脑不同区域的铝,改变线粒体能量代谢和增加ROS产生的重要性。



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