首页> 外文期刊>Coral reefs: journal of the International Society for Reef Studies >Live coral repels a common reef fish ectoparasite

Live coral repels a common reef fish ectoparasite


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Coral reefs are undergoing rapid changes as living corals give way to dead coral on which other benthic organisms grow. This decline in live coral could influence habitat availability for fish parasites with benthic life stages. Gnathiid isopod larvae live in the substratum and are common blood-feeding parasites of reef fishes. We examined substrate associations and preferences of a common Caribbean gnathiid, Gnathia marleyi. Emergence traps set over predominantly live coral substrata captured significantly fewer gnathiids than traps set over dead coral substrata. In laboratory experiments, gnathiids preferred dead coral and sponge and tended to avoid contact with live coral. When live gnathiids were added to containers with dead or live coral, significantly fewer were recovered from the latter after 24 h. Our data therefore suggest that live coral is not suitable microhabitat for parasitic gnathiid isopods and that a decrease in live coral cover increases available habitat for gnathiids.
机译:随着活珊瑚让位给其他底栖生物在其上生长的死珊瑚,珊瑚礁正在经历迅速的变化。活珊瑚的下降可能会影响具有底栖生命阶段的鱼类寄生虫的生境供应。食蚁兽等足类幼虫生活在基质中,是礁鱼的常见血液寄生虫。我们检查了常见的加勒比海节肢动物,Gnathia marleyi的底物关联和偏好。设置在以活珊瑚为主的陷阱上的棘手类动物要比设置在死珊瑚上的陷阱少得多。在实验室实验中,鱼更喜欢死珊瑚和海绵,并倾向于避免与活珊瑚接触。当将活的拟除虫菊酯添加到装有死珊瑚或活珊瑚的容器中后,在24小时后从后者中回收的鱼就少得多了。因此,我们的数据表明,活珊瑚不适合寄生性拟南芥等足动物的微生境,而活珊瑚覆盖率的降低会增加拟南芥的可用生境。



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