首页> 外文期刊>Bioresource Technology: Biomass, Bioenergy, Biowastes, Conversion Technologies, Biotransformations, Production Technologies >Carbon monoxide fermentation to ethanol by Clostridium autoethanogenum in a bioreactor with no accumulation of acetic acid

Carbon monoxide fermentation to ethanol by Clostridium autoethanogenum in a bioreactor with no accumulation of acetic acid


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Fermentation of CO or syngas offers an attractive route to produce bioethanol. However, during the bio-conversion, one of the challenges to overcome is to reduce the production of acetic acid in order to minimize recovery costs. Different experiments were done with Clostridium autoethanogenum. With the addition of 0.75 mu M tungsten, ethanol production from carbon monoxide increased by about 128% compared to the control, without such addition, in batch mode. In bioreactors with continuous carbon monoxide supply, the maximum biomass concentration reached at pH 6.0 was 109% higher than the maximum achieved at pH 4.75 but, interestingly, at pH 4.75, no acetic acid was produced and the ethanol titer reached a maximum of 867 mg/L with minor amounts of 2,3-butanediol (46 mg/L). At the higher pH studied (pH 6.0) in the continuous gas-fed bioreactor, almost equal amounts of ethanol and acetic acid were formed, reaching 907.72 mg/L and 910.69 mg/L respectively. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:CO或合成气的发酵提供了一种生产生物乙醇的有吸引力的途径。然而,在生物转化过程中,要克服的挑战之一是减少乙酸的产生,以使回收成本最小化。用自产乙醇梭菌进行了不同的实验。通过添加0.75μM的钨,与对照相比,在没有间歇添加的情况下,由一氧化碳生产的乙醇与对照相比增加了约128%。在连续供应一氧化碳的生物反应器中,在pH 6.0时达到的最大生物量浓度比在pH 4.75时达到的最大生物量浓度高109%,但是有趣的是,在pH 4.75时不产生乙酸,乙醇滴定度最大为867 mg / L,少量的2,3-丁二醇(46 mg / L)。在连续供气的生物反应器中研究的较高pH(pH 6.0)下,形成了几乎等量的乙醇和乙酸,分别达到907.72 mg / L和910.69 mg / L。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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