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Occupational dermatoses in health care workers evaluated for suspected allergic contact dermatitis.


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BACKGROUND: Occupational skin diseases, including allergic contact dermatitis (ACD), irritant contact dermatitis, and allergic contact urticaria (ACU), occur commonly among health care workers (HCWs). PURPOSE: To evaluate the aetiology of the various skin diseases afflicting HCWs evaluated for suspicion of ACD and/or ACU and to identify the most common allergens among HCWs found to have ACD and/or ACU. METHODS: A total of 1434 patients underwent patch testing. The demographic data and most common allergens for HCWs (n = 100) and non-HCWS (n = 1334) were compared. RESULTS: HCWs were statistically more likely than non-HCWS to be female, have hand dermatitis, and have a history of atopy. HCWs were also more likely to have work-related ACD especially to quaternium-15, thiuram, carba mix, glutaraldehyde and benzalkonium chloride, and to have ACU to latex. LIMITATIONS: This study was retrospective and is subject to the resultant biases of all such investigations. Only patients suspected of having ACD and whounderwent patch testing are included in our database. The prevalence of ACD and ACU is likely to be higher than that seen in the general HCW population. CONCLUSIONS: Our results underscore the importance of thoroughly evaluating HCWs for ACD and ACU with the use of expanded standard allergen series and prick or radioallergosorbent testing to latex.
机译:背景:职业性皮肤病,包括过敏性接触性皮炎(ACD),刺激性接触性皮炎和过敏性接触性荨麻疹(ACU),通常在医护人员(HCW)中发生。目的:评估患有可疑ACD和/或ACU的HCW的各种皮肤病的病因,并鉴定出发现患有ACD和/或ACU的HCW中最常见的过敏原。方法:总共1434例患者接受了斑贴测试。比较了HCW(n = 100)和非HCWS(n = 1334)的人口统计学数据和最常见的过敏原。结果:在统计学上,与非HCWS相比,HCW女性更有可能是女性,患有手部皮炎和有特应性史。医护人员也更有可能具有与工作有关的ACD,尤其是15季铵盐,秋兰姆,氨基甲酸酯混合物,戊二醛和苯扎氯铵,以及ACU胶乳。局限性:这项研究是回顾性的,并且受所有此类研究的结果偏差的影响。我们的数据库中仅包括疑似患有ACD并接受过斑贴测试的患者。 ACD和ACU的患病率可能会高于普通HCW人群中的患病率。结论:我们的结果强调了使用扩展的标准变应原系列和对乳胶的点刺或放射变态吸附剂测试,彻底评估ACD和ACU的HCW的重要性。



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