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Y2K for librarians: exactly what you need to do


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Preparing your library for the year 2000 and all of its possible catastrophes can seem like a daunting task. Read on for a list of the steps you should be taking now. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to determine your library's year-2000 (Y2K) risk. The effort will be time consuming, but it is essential. What will actually happen come January 1, 2000? What will fail? What will work? Though the programming to fix this date problem is pretty basic, unearthing and testing all of the hardware and software we rely on every day is mind boggling. So what do we do? Where do we start? While the clock is ticking, we still have time to address at least the critical applications in our libraries. This article will help you get organized and make priority decisions based on your Y2K risk. Don't Worry, Absolutely Everything Will Not Quit on Us Not all computers and software applications will fail. Actually, there is no problem at all unless a programmer programmed a two-digit date that is being manipulated or displayed in some way. Most applications make no use of a date, so there will be no problem. For computer hardware, some estimates are that 93 percent of computers built before 1996 will have the most problems automatically rolling over to 1/1/2000. This figure is reported to drop off to 11 percent for computers built in 1998. In addition, you can change the date manually on many computers manufactured as early as 1996 (Spector, Lincoln. "2000: The Year of Living Dangerously." PC World. January 1999, p. 92). Often a date is only used for a single feature, like logging statistics or scheduling a future event. In these cases, perhaps the worst-case scenario would be that a scrambled date is displayed or that the function has to be done manually until a permanent fix can be made. The computer will still boot, and the application will still run.
机译:为2000年的图书馆做准备及其所有可能的灾难似乎是艰巨的任务。请继续阅读以获取您现在应该采取的步骤的列表。您的任务(如果您选择接受)是确定图书馆的2000年(Y2K)风险。这项工作将很耗时,但这是必不可少的。实际发生什么情况是在2000年1月1日?什么会失败?有什么用?尽管解决该日期问题的程序非常基础,但是挖掘和测试我们每天所依赖的所有硬件和软件却令人费解。那么我们该怎么办?我们从哪里开始?当时钟在滴答作响时,我们仍然有时间至少解决库中的关键应用程序。本文将帮助您组织起来并根据您的Y2K风险做出优先级决策。不用担心,我们不会完全退出一切,并非所有计算机和软件应用程序都会失败。实际上,除非程序员编程以某种方式操纵或显示的两位数日期,否则根本没有问题。大多数应用程序不使用日期,因此不会有任何问题。对于计算机硬件,一些估计表明,在1996年之前制造的计算机中,有93%的问题自动转换到2000年1月1日的问题最多。据报告,对于1998年生产的计算机,此数字下降了11%。此外,您可以在许多早于1996年生产的计算机上手动更改日期(Spector,Lincoln。“ 2000年:危险生活年。” PC World (1999年1月,第92页)。日期通常仅用于单个功能,例如记录统计信息或安排将来的事件。在这些情况下,最坏的情况可能是显示加扰的日期,或者必须手动完成该功能,直到可以进行永久修复为止。计算机仍将启动,并且该应用程序仍将运行。



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