首页> 外文期刊>Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases >Serological and molecular evidence of Q fever among small ruminant flocks in Algeria

Serological and molecular evidence of Q fever among small ruminant flocks in Algeria


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Q fever, a commonly reported zoonosis worldwide, is caused by infection with Coxiella burnetii, an obligate intracellular bacterium. The infection is often asymptomatic in ruminants, but it can lead to reproductive disorders with bacterial shedding into the environment. Between 2011 and 2013, a study was undertaken in small ruminant flocks in different regions of Algeria. A total of 35 flocks were visited and 227 sera and 267 genital swabs were collected from females after abortions or the lambing period to investigate Q fever infection. Indirect ELISA was used to detect specific antibodies against C. burnetii and real-time PCR for detecting bacterial DNA. Our survey indicated that 58% (95% CI =40-76%) of flocks had at least one positive animal (17 seropositive flocks) and individual seroprevalence was estimated at 14.1% (95% CI = 11.8-16.4%) (32 seropositive animals). Bacterial excretion was observed in 21 flocks (60%), and 57 females showed evidence of C. burnetii shedding (21.3%). These results suggest that C. burnetii distribution is high at the flock level and that seropositive and infected (shedder) animals can be found all over the country. Further studies are needed in other regions and on different animal species to better understand the distribution and incidence of Q fever, as well as human exposure, and to develop an adequate prophylaxis program. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:Q热是全世界普遍报道的人畜共患病,是由专心的细胞内细菌伯氏柯氏杆菌感染引起的。反刍动物的感染通常是无症状的,但是它会导致繁殖障碍,细菌会散发到环境中。在2011年至2013年之间,对阿尔及利亚不同地区的小反刍动物群进行了研究。在流产或产羔期后,从雌性中收集了总共35个羊群,并收集了227份血清和267个生殖器拭子,以调查Q发热感染。间接ELISA用于检测抗伯氏梭菌的特异性抗体,实时PCR用于检测细菌DNA。我们的调查表明,有58%(95%CI = 40-76%)的鸡群至少有一只阳性动物(17份血清阳性鸡群),个体血清阳性率估计为14.1%(95%CI = 11.8-16.4%)(32份血清阳性)动物)。在21个鸡群中观察到细菌排泄(60%),有57名雌性显示出伯氏梭菌脱落的迹象(21.3%)。这些结果表明,伯氏梭状芽胞杆菌在羊群中分布很高,在全国各地都可以发现血清反应阳性和感染(脱落)的动物。需要在其他地区和不同动物物种上进行进一步研究,以更好地了解Q发热的分布和发生率以及人体暴露,并制定适当的预防计划。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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