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The budding yeast RasGEF Cdc25 reveals an unexpected nuclear localization.

机译:出芽的酵母RasGEF Cdc25显示出意外的核定位。

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The mechanisms regulating the activity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ras-GEF Cdc25 are still largely unknown. While the catalytical function of the C-terminal domain has been thoroughly studied, only recently a role of negative control on the protein activity has been suggested for the dispensable N-terminal domain. In order to investigate Cdc25 localization and the role of its different domains, several fusion proteins were constructed using the full length Cdc25 or different fragments of the protein with the green fluorescent protein. Unexpectedly, even if only slightly overexpressed, the full protein was not located in the cell plasma membrane, but accumulates inside the cell and also into the nucleus. Moreover, the endogenous Cdc25, tagged with HA, was also found in purified nuclear extracts. The fusions spanning aa 353-875, aa 876-1100 or aa 353-1100 localize heavily in the nucleus, concentrating in the nuclear peripheral area, in a region distinct from the nucleolus. This could be related to the presence of two predicted nuclear localization signals (NLS) in positions 547 and 806, but also to the contribution of another region, spanning residues 876-1100. This localization is likely to be physiological, since the fusion proteins can be efficiently exported and then imported back into the nucleus.
机译:调节酿酒酵母Ras-GEF Cdc25活性的机制仍然是未知的。尽管已经全面研究了C末端结构域的催化功能,但直到最近才有人提出对可分配的N末端结构域负控制蛋白质活性的作用。为了研究Cdc25的定位及其不同域的作用,使用全长Cdc25或绿色荧光蛋白的不同片段构建了几种融合蛋白。出乎意料的是,即使仅略微过表达,全蛋白也不位于细胞质膜中,而是积聚在细胞内以及细胞核中。此外,在纯化的核提取物中还发现了带有HA标记的内源性Cdc25。横跨aa 353-875,aa 876-1100或aa 353-1100的融合物大量定位在核中,集中在核外围区域中与核仁不同的区域。这可能与位置547和806中两个预测的核定位信号(NLS)的存在有关,还与跨越残基876-1100的另一个区域的贡献有关。这种定位很可能是生理性的,因为融合蛋白可以有效地输出,然后再导入核中。



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