首页> 外文期刊>電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. 情報理論. Information Theory >A Note on the Fixed-Length Source Coding Theorems for Sources with Side Information

A Note on the Fixed-Length Source Coding Theorems for Sources with Side Information


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The source coding theorem reveals the minimum achievable code length under the condition that the error probability is smaller than or equal to some small constant. In the single user communication system, the source coding theorem was proved for general sources. The class of general source is quite large and it is important result since the result can be applied for a wide class of sources. On the other hand there is a study to evaluate the achievable code length more precisely for the restricted class of sources by using the restriction. In the multi-user communication system, although the source coding theorem was proved for general correlated sources, there is no study to evaluate the achievable code length more precisely. In this study, we consider the problem that there exists a side information. This setting is one kind of correlated sources and show the coding theorem more precisely than the previous result.



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