首页> 外文期刊>Clinical and experimental dermatology >Iatrogenic actinomycetoma of neck and back successfully treated with sulphonamides.

Iatrogenic actinomycetoma of neck and back successfully treated with sulphonamides.


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Mycetoma is a chronic granulomatous infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, from which grains of causative organism are eliminated through sinus tracts. It may be caused by actinomycetes or eumycetes. We report a case of actinomycetoma unusual for its uncommon site, iatrogenic cause and prompt response to treatment. A 23-year-old factory worker presented with swelling on the nape of the neck and the upper back of 5 years' duration. There was a history of surgical removal of a large biopsy-proven neurofibroma from his upper back. One year after surgery in a rural hospital, the patient began developing asymptomatic small reddish nodules over the surgery site, which on pressure exuded seropumlent material occasionally accompanied by yellowish granules. The affected area became firm and diffusely swollen.



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