首页> 外文期刊>Clinical and experimental allergy : >Children with peanut allergy recognize predominantly Ara h2 and Ara h6, which remains stable over time.

Children with peanut allergy recognize predominantly Ara h2 and Ara h6, which remains stable over time.

机译:花生过敏儿童主要识别Ara h2和Ara h6,它们随着时间的推移保持稳定。

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BACKGROUND: In peanut-allergic adults, IgE is mainly directed to Ara h1 and Ara h2. More recently, a role for Ara h6 has been suggested. In contrast to adults, IgE in children can fluctuate over time. Therefore, children may have a more dynamic reactivity to peanut. OBJECTIVE: To examine the IgE reactivity to major peanut allergens in peanut-allergic children at two subsequent time-points. METHODS: Twenty children (3-15 years old) with peanut allergy, confirmed by a double-blind placebo-controlled food challenge (DBPCFC), were included. Just before and 20 months after DBPCFC, IgE reactivity to purified Ara h1, Ara h2, Ara h3 and Ara h6 was studied by immunoblots and skin prick tests (SPTs). RESULTS: Before DBPCFC, all peanut-allergic children showed IgE reactivity to Ara h2; Ara h6 was recognized by 16 children, and Ara h1 and Ara h3 by 10 children. After 20 months, peanut-specific IgE levels (median 23 kU/L) and the individual recognition of major allergens were comparable with the levels and recognition before challenge (median 28.2 kU/L). SPT with Ara h2 and Ara h6 was positive in most children, whereas SPT with Ara h1 and Ara h3 was positive in approximately half of the children. Ara h6 induced the largest weals. None of the parameters were related to the severity of peanut allergy. CONCLUSION: Ara h2 and Ara h6 are the most frequently recognized major peanut allergens in children. The individual reactivity to the major peanut allergens remained stable over time, despite DBPCFC.
机译:背景:在对花生过敏的成年人中,IgE主要针对Ara h1和Ara h2。最近,有人提出了Ara h6的作用。与成人相反,儿童中的IgE会随着时间波动。因此,儿童对花生的反应性可能更高。目的:在随后两个时间点检查花生过敏儿童中IgE与主要花生过敏原的反应性。方法:通过双盲安慰剂对照食物激发试验(DBPCFC)证实了二十名儿童(3-15岁)对花生过敏。在DBPCFC之前和之后的20个月,通过免疫印迹和皮肤点刺试验(SPT)研究了IgE对纯化的Ara h1,Ara h2,Ara h3和Ara h6的反应性。结果:在DBPCFC之前,所有对花生过敏的儿童均对Ara h2表现出IgE反应性。 Ara h6被16个孩子识别,Ara h1和Ara h3被10个孩子识别。 20个月后,花生特异性IgE水平(中位数23 kU / L)和主要过敏原的个体识别水平与攻击前的水平和识别水平(中位数28.2 kU / L)相当。在大多数儿童中,Ara h2和Ara h6的SPT阳性,而大约一半的儿童中Ara h1和Ara h3的SPT阳性。 Ara h6引起最大的财富。这些参数均与花生过敏的严重程度无关。结论:Ara h2和Ara h6是儿童中最常见的主要花生过敏原。尽管有DBPCFC,但与主要花生过敏原的个体反应性随时间保持稳定。



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