首页> 外文期刊>電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. ネットワ-クシステム. Network Systems >Performance Analysis of MIMO Systems under Rician Fading Channels

Performance Analysis of MIMO Systems under Rician Fading Channels


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The rapidly increasing number of users and services in mobile communications requires efficient usage of the available frequency band. MIMO (Multi-Input Multi-Output) systems are one possible candidate to meet these demands. Here, Rician fading channels are considered as the line-of-sight (LOS) environment and we examine bit error rate (BER) performances under Rician fading channels in MIMO systems based on the minimum power of the channel matrix eigenvalue. Here, the transmitter and receiver respectively have 2 antennas and there are 2 signals of QPSK. Then, the phase of direct path is made to be parameter and BER performances are calculated. As a result, it is shown that BER performances vary with phase of direct path. Thus, the direct path greatly affects BER performances.
机译:移动通信中用户和服务数量的快速增长要求有效使用可用频带。 MIMO(多输入多输出)系统可以满足这些需求。在这里,Rician衰落信道被视为视线(LOS)环境,并且我们基于信道矩阵特征值的最小功率来检查MIMO系统中Rician衰落信道下的误码率(BER)性能。此处,发送器和接收器分别具有2根天线,并且有2个QPSK信号。然后,将直接路径的相位作为参数并计算BER性能。结果表明,BER性能随直接路径的相位而变化。因此,直接路径极大地影响了BER性能。



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