
Abstract Voronoi diagrams revisited


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Abstract Voronoi diagrams [R. Klein, Concrete and Abstract Voronoi Diagrams, LectureNotes in Computer Science, vol. 400, Springer-Verlag, 1987] were designed as a unifyingconcept that should include as many concrete types of diagrams as possible. To ensurethat abstract Voronoi diagrams, built from given sets of bisecting curves, are finite graphs,it was required that any two bisecting curves intersect only finitely often; this axiom was acornerstone of the theory. In [A.G. Corbalan, M. Mazon, T. Recio, Geometry of bisectors forstrictly convex distance functions, International Journal of Computational Geometry andApplications 6 (1) (1996) 45-58], Corbalan et al. gave an example of a smooth convexdistance function whose bisectors have infinitely many intersections, so that it was notcovered by the existing AVD theory. In this paper we give a new axiomatic foundation ofabstract Voronoi diagrams that works without the finite intersection property.
机译:抽象Voronoi图[R. Klein,具体和抽象的Voronoi图,计算机科学讲义,第1卷。 400,Springer-Verlag,1987]被设计为一个统一的概念,应包括尽可能多的具体类型的图表。为了确保从给定的等分曲线集构建的抽象Voronoi图是有限图,要求任何两条等分曲线仅经常有限地相交。这个公理是该理论的基石。在[A.G. Corbalan,M. Mazon,T. Recio,严格限制凸距离函数的等分线几何,国际计算几何学和应用杂志6(1)(1996)45-58],Corbalan等。给出了一个光滑的凸距离函数的示例,该函数的平分线具有无限多个交点,因此现有的AVD理论没有发现它。在本文中,我们为抽象的Voronoi图提供了一个新的公理基础,该基础没有有限的交集属性。



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