
Treemaps with bounded aspect ratio*


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Treemaps are a popular technique to visualize hierarchical data. The input is a weighted tree T where the weight of each node is the sum of the weights of its children. A treemap for T is a hierarchical partition of a rectangle into simply connected regions, usually rectangles. Each region represents a node of T and its area is proportional to the weight of the corresponding node. An important quality criterion for treemaps is the aspect ratio of its regions. One cannot bound the aspect ratio if the regions are restricted to be rectangles. In contrast, polygonal partitions, that use convex polygons, can have bounded aspect ratio. We are the first to obtain convex partitions with optimal aspect ratio 0(depth(T)). However, depth(T) still depends on the input tree. Hence we introduce a new type of treemaps, namely orthoconvex treemaps, where regions representing leaves are rectangles, L-, and S-shapes, and regions representing internal nodes are orthoconvex polygons. We prove that any input tree, irrespective of the weights of the nodes and the depth of the tree, admits an orthoconvex treemap of constant aspect ratio. We also obtain several specialized results for single-level treemaps, that is, treemaps where the input tree has depth 1.
机译:树状图是一种用于可视化分层数据的流行技术。输入是加权树T,其中每个节点的权重是其子节点的权重之和。 T的树图是将矩形划分为简单连接的区域(通常是矩形)的层次结构。每个区域代表T的一个节点,其面积与相应节点的权重成比例。树状图的重要质量标准是其区域的纵横比。如果将区域限制为矩形,则无法限制宽高比。相反,使用凸多边形的多边形分区可以具有有限的纵横比。我们是第一个获得最佳宽高比为0(depth(T))的凸分区的人。但是,depth(T)仍然取决于输入树。因此,我们引入了一种新的树图,即正凸树图,其中代表叶子的区域是矩形,L形和S形,代表内部节点的区域是正凸多边形。我们证明,任何输入树,无论节点的权重和树的深度如何,都可以接受长宽比恒定的正凸树图。我们还为单级树图(即输入树深度为1的树图)获得了一些专门的结果。



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