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The calzirtite has been found out within metamorphized titanum-bearing magnesian skarns developed at the contact between low-alkaline ore-bearing gabbroids of Kusinsky massif and xenoliths of dolomite marbles (Zelentsovskaya pit, Kusinskoye Fe-Ti ore deposit, the Southern Urals). Metamorphogenic calzirtite (MC) participates there within mineral aggregates appeared under conditions of the prehnite-pumpellyite facies of metamorphism (clinochlore, perovskite, hydrotalcite, manasseite, magnesioferrite, etc). MC forms pseudocubic tri-unit intergrowths up to 2 mm in size. VHN_(50-100)=985-1180, average 1070 kg/mm~2 (n=19). Reflection in air, R, percent: 16.5 (400 nm), 13.6 (500), 12.3 (600), 12.6 (700). Chemical composition MC (wt. percent, n=8): ZrO_2 67.35, HfO_2 1.59, ThO_2 0.03, TiO_2 17.49, Nb_2O_5, Ta_2O_5 not detected; FeO 0.13, MnO 0.03, MgO 0.11, CaO 12.01, SrO 0.58, Ce_2O_3 0.06, La_2O_3, Y_2O_3 not detected; Yb_2O_3, V_2O_3- traces, Na_2O 0.05, K_2O 0.01, the sum 99.44. Formula MC calculated for 9 atoms of metals is as following: (Ca_(1.93)Sr_(0.05)Ce_(0.01)Na_(0.01))_(2.00)(Ti_(1.97)Mg_(0.02)Fe_(0.02))_(2.01)(Zr_(4.92) X Hf_(0.07))_(4.99)O_(16), which is quite near Ca_2Zr_5Ti_2O_(16) or else 5ZrO_2 X 2CaTiO_3. MC distinguishes itself from the calzirtite- the typomorphic mineral of carbonatites, alkaline-ultrabasic rocks and alkaline metasomates- by the minor contents of Nb, Ta, REE, Th and the lower Zr/Hf value (40-45 against 60-95 in the calzirtite of alkaline associations). Its unit cell parameters: a_0=15.189 (2) A, c_0=10.111 (2) A, V=2333 A~3, Z=8. X-ray density 5.070 g/cm~. Space group I4_1/acd. The structure of MC is completely ordered, thus differing also from the calzirtite of alkaline rocks, which has the structure only partly ordered. It is possible that MC has appeared while the metamorphism of magnesian skarns due to reaction between perovskite and baddeleyite.
机译:钙铁矿发现于变质的含钛镁矽卡岩中,该矽卡岩是在低碱性含矿辉石和白云岩大理石的异岩(Zelentsovskaya基坑,Kusskoye Fe-Ti矿床,南部乌拉尔)之间形成的。变质钙锰矿(MC)参与其中的矿物聚集体中,这些矿物聚集体是在变质的菱镁矿-粉晶岩相(斜绿石,钙钛矿,水滑石,锰铁矿,镁铁矿等)的条件下出现的。 MC形成伪立方三单元共生体,最大尺寸为2 mm。 VHN_(50-100)= 985-1180,平均1070 kg / mm〜2(n = 19)。在空气中的反射,R,百分比:16.5(400 nm),13.6(500),12.3(600),12.6(700)。化学成分MC(重量%,n = 8):未检测到ZrO_2 67.35,HfO_2 1.59,ThO_2 0.03,TiO_2 17.49,Nb_2O_5,Ta_2O_5;未检测到FeO 0.13,MnO 0.03,MgO 0.11,CaO 12.01,SrO 0.58,Ce_2O_3 0.06,La_2O_3,Y_2O_3; Yb_2O_3,V_2O_3-迹线,Na_2O 0.05,K_2O 0.01,总和为99.44。针对9个金属原子计算出的分子式MC如下:(Ca_(1.93)Sr_(0.05)Ce_(0.01)Na_(0.01))_(2.00)(Ti_(1.97)Mg_(0.02)Fe_(0.02))_( 2.01)(Zr_(4.92)X Hf_(0.07))_(4.99)O_(16),非常接近Ca_2Zr_5Ti_2O_(16)或5ZrO_2 X 2CaTiO_3。 MC的区别在于其钙锰矿,碳酸盐岩,碱超碱性岩石和碱成岩的错型矿物,其Nb,Ta,REE,Th的含量较低,Zr / Hf值较低(40-45,而60-95)。碱性缔合方铅矿)。其晶胞参数:a_0 = 15.189(2)A,c_0 = 10.111(2)A,V = 2333 A〜3,Z = 8。 X射线密度为5.070g / cm 2。 I4_1 / acd空间组。 MC的结构是完全有序的,因此也不同于碱性岩石的方铅矿,后者的结构只有部分有序。由于钙钛矿和baddeleyite之间的反应,镁镁矽卡岩的变质作用可能出现了MC。



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