首页> 外文期刊>Computational geometry: Theory and applications >Translating a convex polyhedron over monotone polyhedra

Translating a convex polyhedron over monotone polyhedra


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Let S be a collection of geometric objects in R~3, and let P be another geometric object in R~3. The free configuration space of P with respect to S is the set of all possible placements of P so that P does not intersect the set S. Finding combinatorial and computational bounds for the computation of the free configuration space is a currently active area of research in computational geometry. We show in this paper that the free configuration space of a convex polyhedron P freely translating over a polyhedral terrain having a convex projection T can be computed in O(nm + k + t) time in the worst case, where m and n are the number of faces of P and T, respectively, k denotes the size of the output and t is a parameter whose value could be, at most, O(n~2m log n).
机译:令S为R〜3中的几何对象的集合,令P为R〜3中的另一个几何对象。 P相对于S的自由配置空间是P的所有可能放置的集合,因此P不会与集合S相交。为自由配置空间的计算找到组合边界和计算边界是当前研究的活跃领域。计算几何。我们在本文中表明,在最坏的情况下,可以在O(nm + k + t)的时间内计算出在具有凸投影T的多面地形上自由平移的凸多面体P的自由配置空间,其中m和n是分别代表P和T的面数,k表示输出的大小,t是一个参数,其值最多为O(n〜2m log n)。



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