首页> 外文期刊>熱帯農業研究 >Preliminary studv on image of agriculture 01 Vietnamese cnildren -Application of public goods experiment and attitude and behavioral modificationtheory-

Preliminary studv on image of agriculture 01 Vietnamese cnildren -Application of public goods experiment and attitude and behavioral modificationtheory-


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The percentage of agriculture in GDP decreased by 19.8% from 1990 to 2010 in Vietnam following Petty-Clark's law. It will be an important matter to find out resource persons who choose to do agriculture and who can contribute to activation of future rural society. Quantitative understanding of people's action in public places has been studied by using public goods game (e.g., Saijyo, 2006), but there have been little attempt to study children's characters with regards to their occupational intereststo become farmers in developing countries, nor to apply attitude and behavior modification theory (e.g., Fujii,2001) to promote agriculture and rural society. Children's characters to contribute to public investment experimented by public goods game andchildren's attitude modification by learning alecture were quantified and interrelated, assuming children are future possible leader in the society.



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