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Multi-threaded, discrete event simulation of distributed computing systems


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The LHC experiments have envisaged computing systems of unprecedented complexity, for which is necessary to provide a realistic description and modeling of data access patterns, and of many jobs running concurrently on large scale distributed systems and exchanging very large amounts of data. A process oriented approach for discrete event simulation is well suited to describe various activities running concurrently, as well the stochastic arrival patterns specific for such type of simulation. Threaded objects or "Active Objects" can provide a natural way to map the specific behaviour of distributed data processing into the simulation program. The simulation tool developed within MONARC is based on Java~((TM)) technology which provides adequate tools for developing a flexible and distributed process oriented simulation. Proper graphics tools, and ways to analyze data interactively, are essential in any simulation project. The design elements, status and features of the MONARC simulation tool are presented. The program allows realistic modeling of complex data access patterns by multiple concurrent users in large scale computing systems in a wide range of possible architectures, from centralized to highly distributed. Comparison between queuing theory and realistic client-server measurements is also presented.
机译:大型强子对撞机实验设想了一种计算系统,其空前的复杂性对于提供现实的数据访问模式描述和建模以及在大规模分布式系统上同时运行并交换大量数据的许多作业的现实描述是必要的。面向离散事件模拟的面向过程的方法非常适合描述同时运行的各种活动,以及针对此类模拟的随机到达模式。线程对象或“活动对象”可以提供一种自然的方式来将分布式数据处理的特定行为映射到仿真程序中。 MONARC内部开发的仿真工具基于Java™技术,该技术为开发灵活的分布式面向过程的仿真提供了足够的工具。在任何仿真项目中,正确的图形工具以及交互分析数据的方法都是必不可少的。介绍了MONARC仿真工具的设计元素,状态和功能。该程序允许大型并发用户在大型计算系统中以多种可能的架构(从集中式到高度分布式)对复杂的数据访问模式进行实际建模。还提出了排队理论与现实的客户端-服务器度量之间的比较。



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