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DIM, a portable, light weight package for information publishing, data transfer and inter-process communication


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The real-time systems of HEP experiments are presently highly distributed, possibly on heterogeneous CPUs. In many applications, there is an important need to make information available to a large number of other processes in a transparent way. For this purpose the "PRC-like" systems are not suitable, since most of them rely on polling from the client and one-to-one connections. DIM is a very powerful alternative to those systems. It provides a named space for processes to publish information (Publishers) and a very simple API for processes willing to use this information (Subscribers). It fully handles error recovery at the Publisher and Subscriber level, without additional software in the application. DIM is available on a large variety of platforms and operating systems with C and C++ bindings. It is presently used in several HEP experiments, while it was developed in the DELPHI experiment and is maintained at CERN. We shall present its capabilities and examples of its use in HEP experiments in domains ranging from simple data publishing to event transfer, process control or communication layer for an Experiment Control Package (SMI++). We shall also present prospectives for using it as communications layer for future experiment's control systems.
机译:目前,HEP实验的实时系统高度分散,可能在异构CPU上。在许多应用中,非常需要以透明的方式使信息可用于许多其他过程。为此,“类PRC”系统不合适,因为它们大多数依赖于来自客户端的轮询和一对一连接。 DIM是这些系统的强大替代品。它为进程发布信息提供了一个命名空间(发布者),为愿意使用此信息的进程提供了一个非常简单的API(订阅者)。它完全处理发布者和订阅者级别的错误恢复,而无需在应用程序中添加其他软件。 DIM在具有C和C ++绑定的各种平台和操作系统上可用。它目前在几个HEP实验中使用,而它是在DELPHI实验中开发并由CERN维护的。我们将在从简单数据发布到事件传输,过程控制或实验控制包(SMI ++)的通信领域的HEP实验中展示其功能和使用实例。我们还将介绍将其用作未来实验控制系统的通信层的前景。



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