首页> 外文期刊>Computational statistics & data analysis >A comparison of algorithms for exact analysis of unordered 2 × K contingency tables

A comparison of algorithms for exact analysis of unordered 2 × K contingency tables


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We present a comparison of two efficient algorithms for exact analysis of an unordered 2 × K table. First, by considering conditional generating functions, we show that both the network algorithm of Mehta and Patel (J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 78 (1983)) and the fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm of Baglivo et al. (J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 82 (1992)) rest on the same foundation. This foundation is a recursive polynomial relation. We further show that the network algorithm is equivalent to a stage-wise implementation of this recursion while the FFT algorithm is based on performing the same recursion at complex roots of unity. Our empirical results for the Pearson X2, likelihood ratio, and Freeman-Halton statistics show that the network algorithm, or equivalently, the recursive polynomial multiplication algorithm is superior to the FFT algorithm with respect to computing speed and accuracy.
机译:我们比较了两种有效算法,对无序2×K表进行精确分析。首先,通过考虑条件生成函数,我们证明了Mehta和Patel的网络算法(J. Amer。Statist。Assoc。78(1983))和Baglivo等人的快速傅里叶变换(FFT)算法都是可行的。 (J. Amer。Statist。Assoc。82(1992))建立在同一基础上。这个基础是递归多项式关系。我们进一步证明,网络算法等效于此递归的分阶段实现,而FFT算法基于在单位的复数根执行相同的递归。我们对Pearson X2,似然比和Freeman-Halton统计数据的经验结果表明,就计算速度和准确性而言,网络算法(或等效地,递归多项式乘法算法)优于FFT算法。



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