首页> 外文期刊>Biomacromolecules >Enzymatic Polymerization to Novel Polysaccharides Having a Glucose-N-acetylglucosamine Repeating Unit,a Cellulose- Chitin Hybrid Polysaccharide

Enzymatic Polymerization to Novel Polysaccharides Having a Glucose-N-acetylglucosamine Repeating Unit,a Cellulose- Chitin Hybrid Polysaccharide


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A cellulose-chitin hybrid polysaccharide having alternatingly beta(1->4)-linked D-glucose (Glc) and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (GlcNAc) was synthesized via two modes of enzymatic polymerization.First,a sugar oxazoline monomer of Glc beta(l->4)GlcNAc (1) was designed as a transition-state analogue substrate (TSAS) monomer for chitinase catalysis.Monomer 1 was recognized by chitinase from Bacillus sp.,giving rise to a cellulose-chitin hybrid polysaccharide (2) via ring-opening polyaddition with perfect regioselectivity and stereochemistry.Molecular weight (M_n) of 2 reached 4030,which corresponds to 22 saccharide units.Second,a sugar fluoride monomer of GlcNAc beta(l->4)Glc (3) was synthesized for the catalysis of cellulase from Trichoderma viride.The enzyme catalyzed polycondensation of 3,providing a cellulose-chitin hybrid polysaccharide (4) in regio- and stereoselective manner.M_n of 4 reached 2840,which corresponds to 16 saccharide units.X-ray diffraction measurements revealed that these hybrid polysaccharides did not form any characteristic crystalline structures.Furthermore,these unnatural hybrids of 2 and 4 were successfully digested by lysozyme from human neutrophils.
机译:通过两种酶促聚合反应合成了具有交替的β(1-> 4)连接的D-葡萄糖(Glc)和N-乙酰基-D-葡萄糖胺(GlcNAc)的纤维素-几丁质杂化多糖。 Glc beta(1-> 4)GlcNAc(1)被设计为几丁质酶催化的过渡态类似底物(TSAS)单体。单体1被Bacillus sp。的几丁质酶识别,产生了纤维素-几丁质杂化多糖( 2)通过开环加成反应,具有良好的区域选择性和立体化学性质。分子量(M_n)为2达到4030,对应于22个糖单元。其次,GlcNAc beta(1> 4)Glc(3)的氟化糖单体为酶催化3的缩聚反应,以区域和立体选择性的方式提供纤维素-几丁质杂化多糖(4).M_n 4达到2840,相当于16个糖单元.X射线衍射测量表明,这些杂合多糖没有形成任何特征性的晶体结构。此外,溶血酶成功地从人中性粒细胞中消化了这些非天然的2和4杂种。



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