首页> 外文期刊>Bioresource Technology: Biomass, Bioenergy, Biowastes, Conversion Technologies, Biotransformations, Production Technologies >A methodology to assess the energetic valorization of bio-based polymers from the packaging industry: Pyrolysis of reprocessed polylactide

A methodology to assess the energetic valorization of bio-based polymers from the packaging industry: Pyrolysis of reprocessed polylactide


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The energetic valorization process of bio-based polymers is addressed in this study, taking polylactide (PLA) as model. The pyrolysis of virgin and multiple-injected PLA was simulated by means of multi-rate linear-non-isothermal thermogravimetric experiments. A complete methodology, involving control of gases, thermal stability and thermal decomposition kinetics was proposed. The release of gases was monitored by Evolved Gas Analysis of the fumes of pyrolysis, by in-line FT-IR, with the aid of 2D-correlation IR characterization. A novel model to establish the thermal stability of PLAs under any linear heating profile was proposed. A kinetic strategy was methodically applied to assess the thermal decomposition in terms of activation energy and kinetic model. It was found that the pyrolysis technologies for virgin PLA could be straightforwardly transferred for the valorization of its recyclates.



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