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Evaluation of Radius of Gyration and Intrinsic Viscosity Molar Mass Dependence and Stiffness of Hyaluronan


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Nine hyaluronan (HA) samples were fractionated by size-exclusion chromatography,and molar mass (M),radius of gyration (R_g),and intrinsic viscosity ([eta]) were measured in 0.15M NaCl at 37 deg by on-line multiangle light scattering and viscometer detectors.Using such method,we investigated the R_g and [eta] molar mass dependence for HA over a very wide range of molar masses:M ranging from 4X10~4 to 5.5X10~6 g/mol.The R_g and the [eta] molar mass dependence found for HA showed a meaningful difference.The R_g=f(M) power law was substantially linear in the whole range of molar masses explored with a constant slope of 0.6.In contrast,the [eta]=f(M)power law (Mark-Houwink-Sakurada plot) showed a marked curve shape,and a linear regression over the whole range of moalr masses does not make sense.Also the persistence length (stiffness) for HA was estimated.The persistence length derived by using both the Odijk's model (7.5 nm from R_g vs M data) and the Bohdanecky's plot (6.8 nm from [eta] vs M data) were quite similar.These persistence values are congruent with a semistiff conformation of HA macromolecules.
机译:通过尺寸排阻色谱法分离9个透明质酸(HA)样品,并通过在线多角度在0.15M NaCl中于37℃测量摩尔质量(M),回转半径(R_g)和特性粘度(η)。使用这种方法,我们研究了在很宽的摩尔质量范围内的HA对R_g和η摩尔质量的依赖性:M在4X10〜4到5.5X10〜6 g / mol的范围内。 HA的η摩尔质量依存关系显示出有意义的差异。R_g= f(M)幂律在探索的整个摩尔质量范围内基本呈线性,且斜率恒定为0.6。相反,η= f(M)次幂定律(Mark-Houwink-Sakurada图)显示出明显的曲线形状,并且在整个摩尔质量范围内进行线性回归是没有意义的。此外,还估计了HA的持久长度(刚度)。通过使用Odijk模型(R_g与M数据相距7.5 nm)和Bohdanecky图(从ηvs M数据)非常相似,这些持久性值与HA大分子的半刚性构象一致。



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