首页> 外文期刊>Clinical and experimental ophthalmology >Five-year outcome of correctable visual impairment: the Blue Mountains Eye Study.

Five-year outcome of correctable visual impairment: the Blue Mountains Eye Study.


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This report aims to describe the outcome and socio-economic characteristics of older persons attending the Blue Mountains Eye Study (BMES) with persistent correct-able visual impairment (VI). The BMESI examined 3654 persons aged 49+ during 1992-1994 and re-examined 2335 survivors during 1997-1999 (BMES II).Visual acuity was measured before and after standardized refraction.Participants had correctable VI if their better eye was visually impaired <6/12 before refraction (with distance glasses if worn) and was unimpaired after refraction. In BMES I,274 persons (7.5%) had correctable VI, of whom 127 returned to BMES II. Of this group of 127, 34 had persistent correctable VI and 74 were no longer impaired. Fewer persons with correctable VI returned and more died prior to BMES II, compared to persons with no or non-correctable VI. This study showed that persistent correctable impairment was more frequent with increasing age, among women, in those living alone, using community support services,or with a history of heart disease.
机译:本报告旨在描述患有持续可矫正视力障碍(VI)的蓝山眼睛研究(BMES)的老年人的结局和社会经济特征。 BMESI在1992-1994年期间检查了3654名49岁以上的人,并在1997-1999年期间重新检查了2335名幸存者(BMES II)。在标准屈光度之前和之后测量视力。屈光之前为/ 12(戴远距眼镜,如果戴了),屈光之后没有受损。在BMES I中,有274人(7.5%)的VI可纠正,其中127人返回了BMES II。在这127个人群中,有34个具有持续可纠正的VI,而74个不再受损。与没有或没有可纠正的VI的人相比,具有可纠正的VI的人在BMES II之前返回的人数更多,死亡人数更多。这项研究表明,在妇女中,单独生活,使用社区支持服务或有心脏病史的妇女中,随着年龄的增长,持续可纠正的损伤更为频繁。



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