首页> 外文期刊>Clinical and experimental ophthalmology >Factors associated with use of glaucoma medications in a population of older people: The Blue Mountains Eye Study.

Factors associated with use of glaucoma medications in a population of older people: The Blue Mountains Eye Study.


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PURPOSE: To examine factors associated with use of glaucoma medications in a population of older people. METHODS: The Blue Mountains Eye Study examined 3654 people aged 49-97 years. Participants completed an interviewer-administered questionnaire which included information on current medication use. Open-angle glaucoma (OAG) was diagnosed if matching glaucomatous visual field defects and optic disc cupping were present. Ocular hypertension (OH) was diagnosed in subjects without glaucomatous disc and field changes who had an intraocular pressure (IOP) of > or = 22 mmHg in either eye or who had lower IOP levels but reported treatment with glaucoma medication. RESULTS: Use of glaucoma medication was reported by 3.3% of persons in this population (119/3644), including 44% of OAG and 28% of OH cases. Among newly diagnosed OAG and OH cases, 30% had never visited an ophthalmologist. Factors associated with a previous diagnosis of OAG or OH in a multivariate model included use of one or more general medications (OR 7.5; 95% CI 2.5-22.9), a history of other eye disease (OR 3.4; 95% CI 1.9-6.2) and first-degree family history of glaucoma (OR 3.6; 95% CI 1.8-7.2). CONCLUSIONS: Glaucoma screening may need to target individuals with OAG risk factors who are less likely to visit a general practitioner or ophthalmologist.
机译:目的:研究与老年人群青光眼药物使用相关的因素。方法:蓝山眼研究调查了3654位49-97岁的人。参加者完成了由访调员管理的问卷,其中包括有关当前用药情况的信息。如果存在相匹配的青光眼视野缺损和视盘拔罐,则诊断为开角型青光眼(OAG)。在没有青光眼的椎间盘和视野改变的受试者中诊断为高眼压(OH),其眼睛的眼内压(IOP)≥22 mmHg或IOP较低,但报告用青光眼药物治疗。结果:该人群中有3.3%的人报告使用了青光眼药物(119/3644),其中包括44%的OAG和28%的OH病例。在新诊断的OAG和OH病例中,有30%从未看过眼科医生。与先前在多变量模型中诊断出OAG或OH有关的因素包括使用一种或多种普通药物(OR 7.5; 95%CI 2.5-22.9),有其他眼部疾病的病史(OR 3.4; 95%CI 1.9-6.2 )和青光眼的一级家族史(OR 3.6; 95%CI 1.8-7.2)。结论:青光眼筛查可能需要针对具有OAG危险因素的人,这些人不太可能去看全科医生或眼科医生。



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