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Survey and analysis on birth quality influence factors of 300 cases of newborns


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Purpose: Little research has been conducted to specifically identify the correlations of birth quality influence factors of newborns and hemoglobin of gravidae and puerperal with birth weight of newborns. To investigate the correlations of birth quality influence factors of newborns and hemoglobin of gravidae and puerperal with birth weight of newborns in order to provide a scientific basis for promoting health of gravidae and their newborns. Materials and Methods: Three hundred cases of gravidae and puerpera treated in the present hospital were randomly selected, and questionnaire survey method was used to survey their basic situations. Also, hemoglobin values in different pregnancy stages were detected. According to birth weight of newborns, gravidae were divided into several groups to compare antepartum hemoglobin levels of various groups of gravidae. In addition, logistic regression analysis was carried out for birth quality influence factors of newborns. Results: Logistic regression analysis result showed that birth quality influence factors of newborns included age, nutrition situation and pregnancy healthcare education of gravidae and puerpera. In addition, birth weight of newborns was positively related to antepartum hemoglobin level of gravidae (r = 0.746, p < 0.01). Conclusions: It was feasible for promoting smooth delivery of gravidae and puerpera, reducing incidence rate of mother and baby complications and effectively enhancing health situations of newborns to strengthen health monitoring of gravidae and conduct health education intervention.
机译:目的:很少进行研究来明确确定新生儿的出生质量影响因素以及妊娠和产后血红蛋白与新生儿出生体重之间的关系。探讨新生儿的出生质量影响因素以及妊娠和产后血红蛋白与新生儿出生体重的关系,为促进妊娠及其新生儿的健康提供科学依据。资料与方法:随机抽取本院收治的300例孕妇和产妇,采用问卷调查法调查其基本情况。此外,还检测了不同妊娠阶段的血红蛋白值。根据新生儿的出生体重,将妊娠科分为几组,比较各组妊娠前的血红蛋白水平。另外,对新生儿的出生质量影响因素进行了逻辑回归分析。结果:Logistic回归分析结果表明,新生儿的出生质量影响因素包括年龄,营养状况以及妊娠和产妇的妊娠保健教育。此外,新生儿的出生体重与产前孕妇的血红蛋白水平呈正相关(r = 0.746,p <0.01)。结论:促进妊娠和产妇顺利分娩,降低母婴并发症的发生率,有效改善新生儿的健康状况,加强对妊娠的健康监测,开展健康教育干预是可行的。



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